December 19

5 Habits that Set Top Network Marketers Apart

Beach Boss Influencers

Table of Contents

If you’ve stayed up-to-date with your peers on social media in the past decade, there’s a good chance you’ve watched some of them start (and end) a network marketing gig.

You want to be different, though. You want to take the network marketing world by storm. You want to know how to build your network marketing business.

Set Top Network Marketers Apart

So, what’s the difference between Jessica from your 10th-grade biology class and the top network marketers?

Let’s make a list:

1. Set Goals

You won’t accomplish anything if you don’t try.

Set some goals for yourself.

Here are some guidelines for setting goals:

  • Be realistic about what you can accomplish. “I want to sell $1 million in product tomorrow” isn’t a realistic goal. Instead, start small. “I want to sell $100 by the end of the month” is much more manageable.
  • Set measurable goals. You’ll never know if you reach your goal of “I want to sign up a lot of recruits.” But if you set a goal to sign five prospects to your team, you’ll be able to tell if you accomplished it or not.
  • Give yourself a time limit. If you don’t have a deadline, you can always push it off forever. Tell yourself you need it done by a certain time to light a fire under yourself.

Goals can keep you focused. And they can help you see where you are.

If you reach your goal of signing five recruits in half the time you expected it to take, aim higher. Try for ten instead.

Goals will help stretch you and strengthen you if you use them correctly.

2. Set a Schedule

Life’s crazy.

Whether you’re a stay-at-home parent picking up network marketing to fit in your fringe hours, a full-time employee starting this journey in your spare time, or anything in between, you’ve got a lot on your plate.



Doctor visits. (Is it the year you need to start mammograms? Who knows.)

Just adulting in general.

You’ve got a lot going on.

It’s easy for things to fall through the cracks if you don’t make time for them.

Set a schedule.

A schedule helps you prioritize the things in your life that need your attention. When you know what time you’ll be dedicating to a certain task, you can free up the mental space that was reminding you to do it.

This can be helpful in your network marketing business.

You can set time aside each day to accomplish the tasks that will help your business.

As you schedule, you’ll start to build routines.

You’ll find the best times of the day to be productive, and you can plan around that.

3. Listen

You might have the (incorrect) assumption that you will be doing lots of gabbing when you’re making a sale or recruiting a prospect.

The opposite is actually true.

You’ll want to do a lot of listening to potential customers and potential recruits before you do any talking.

Listen to their struggles.

Listen to their desires.

Listen to their stories.

When you really listen to them, you’ll be able to guide them to the ways your product or your business can help them.

4. Express Gratitude

Think of the last time you received genuine thanks for your hard work.

It felt good, didn’t it?

It probably made you want to keep working hard.

That’s a fairly universal experience for all of us. When we feel seen and appreciated, we are more likely to continue to do a good job.

Your team members feel the same way.

If you are a gracious leader, thanking them for their hard work and praising them for everything they are doing correctly, they’ll keep at it.

If you are a gracious seller, customers will remember how you make them feel. They will come back when they need more of what you’re selling.

But don’t stop there.

Create a mindset of gratitude. Be grateful for the chance you have to run this business, the success you have seen, the chance to learn more, and life itself.

When you have an attitude of gratitude, you will be more positive. Small setbacks won’t derail you. You will see them as the small bumps in the road that they are.

5. Be Healthy

Would you believe us if we told you that taking time away from your business to exercise and be healthy will actually help your business?

It’s true. When you take care of your body, you’re able to function better. You make better choices, you have more energy, and your mind is more focused.

Get enough sleep at night.

Eat your veggies.

Drink enough water.

Nourish your mind with regular reading.

When you take care of your body, you’ll be able to take care of your business.

Set Yourself Up for Success

These five habits will help you show up at your best.

When you show up as your best, you’ll unlock how to succeed in network marketing.


5 Habits that Set Top Network Marketers Apart


For true success in network marketing, move beyond basic strategies. To stand out and make an impact, focus on the essential fundamentals that lead to lasting success. Check out the infographic to learn more.

5 Habits of Top Network Marketers Infographic


Learn How To Grow Your Influence,
Reach More People, And Build A Successful Business And Brand Online By Following Our Simple 3 Step Influencer Formula

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Beach Boss Influencers

About the author

The Beaches (Adrian Lindeen, Brandy Shaver, Cari Higham, Fran Loubser, Kat Krasilnikov) offer coaching and mentorship to network marketers who are in the trenches building their businesses using social media right now. Our community is FUN, EXCITING, and focused on our students getting RESULTS; Enrolling customers, teammates, ranking up in their businesses, growing 6&7 figure teams. All without working 24/7 and still having time freedom and a life. 

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