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Here’s How You Can Save Time, Money, Effort & Energy and launch Your own challenge group even faster… By Swiping The Beach Boss Influencer Team’s DONE FOR YOU Challenge Templates…So You Can skip the guessing game & Start Growing and Duplicating immediately!

Done For You Challenge Cheat Sheets and Templates

Imagine being able to swipe the exact templates, scripts & processes we used to create killer group challenges inside our team and enroll people by the masses each month…

So you can save time, money, and brain power while implementing your first group team challenge

We know how building a side hustle can quickly turn into a disaster project and consume all your time - days, weeks and even months. It's actually totally normal when you're trying to create a system like this from scratch. 

That's why we decided to make your life easier and give you everything you going to need to launch your own challenge group a lot faster.

Because why create it all yourself, when you can literally swipe what’s already proven to work… when all you have to do is plug in your challenge content & launch your group team challenge

Listen, we get that putting a lot of this stuff together can be time consuming for you…

Not to mention there will be a little bit of a learning curve when trying to lead your team through their first challenge…

We also know you love the idea of running a successful team challenge so your team never has to cold prospect again...

And you love the idea of putting your energy & focus into bringing in new team members so you can create momentum while having your team duplicate your efforts

So doesn’t it make sense to swipe what’s already proven to work so you can run a successful challenge sooner without having to go through the headache of creating it all yourself?

We’ve spent countless hours, brain power & dollars perfecting our templates, scripts & processes.

And we figured out a way to not only teach you how to run a killer challenge…

But also give you our proven done-for-you templates & scripts…

Without you needing to front thousands of dollars to have someone else put it together for you.

In fact, this idea will actually SAVE you time, money, effort & energy!

Grab this deal before it's gone!

Here’s what’s included in the Done-For-You package:

Everything that you already get with the bootcamp including full access to the bootcamp platform, access to each day of the training, free accountability system, free live Q&A sessions, etc...


The Ultimate Team Challenge Promotion Calendar

The Ultimate Team Challenge Promotion Calendar

The most daunting task you’ll face while putting together a challenge is knowing how, where & when to start promoting...

This Promotion Calendar will take all the stress of planning your challenge away…

You and your team will be on the same page and confident in what needs to happen moving forward from the start.

Group Set Up Checklist

Group Set Up Checklist

Setting up your first challenge group can be nerve wrecking… After all, pressing the wrong button somewhere can change settings that could kill your challenge show up rate.

With this checklist, you’ll know every step you need to take to be able to set up your challenge Facebook group…

We often see teams make mistakes that affect whether or not people join the group. This checklist will help you maximize your success in a few simple steps.

Welcome Video Script

Welcome Video Script

Video is the fastest way to build rapport with your new prospects… This script will help excite your new prospects about your challenge, create more engagement throughout your challenge and deliver valuable information so everyone is on the same page before your challenge begins.

Proven Social Media Post Templates

Proven Social Media Post Templates

Getting your team to take action in promoting your challenge is critical! But more often than not… Your teammates won’t know what to post to bring people into the challenge… And they can easily get frustrated without some help.

Or worse… They will try to promote and it will come off spammy, causing people to avoid them in the future.

With our Proven Social Media Post templates you won’t have to worry about whether or not your team will know what to promote… And you won’t have to create all the posts yourself. You can use these templates during promotion, execution & follow up of your challenge.

Irresistible Email Templates

Irresistible Email Templates

Email is the one of the  BEST ways to keep track of prospects… it’s also an extremely powerful way to promote your challenge

If you’re building email lists you’ll find these templates easy to plug & play with your challenge content. No email list? No problem! You can use the templates as additional Social Media Posts instead.

You can use these templates during promotion, execution & follow up of your challenge.

Facebook Story Hacks

Facebook Story Hacks

Facebook Stories are a visual way to share content, it is a feature that adds filters and effects to images, photographs, or videos on your phone

There’s no denying Stories is one of the hottest recruiting tools you can be using right now on Social Media…

Swipe these sexy story templates that will create engagement and have prospects asking how they can join in on the fun of your challenge.

These stories can be used during promotion, execution & follow up of your challenge.

Team Challenge Roadmap

Team Challenge Roadmap

When starting anything new, the easiest way to start implementing is to know where you’re starting and where you’re going...

This roadmap will give you a clear direction of what your challenge needs to look like as well as how, what and where to promote to maximize your results with less work.

Challenge Close Template

Challenge Close Template

The close of your challenge is one of the most crucial parts of the entire process.

Swipe our Challenge Close Template so your prospects can feel like they’re getting the most value possible while hearing your offer… As well as create excitement for them to buy your product or join your team.

Yes, I want to upgrade and get these templates!

Imagine not only having access to the trainings, tools and resources you need to never have to cold prospect a single person ever again - online or offline – because you’re learning How to Use Group Challenges to Skyrocket Your Team...

But also being able to swipe these proven templates, scripts & processes…

So you can save time, money, energy & effort while getting the team duplication and momentum you want to get EVEN FASTER!

Now, we’re looking to retail the Done For You Templates Package at $1197 for non-Beach Boss members…

But for today only, because you’re already a Beach Boss Influencer, you can pick up this Package at a huge discount of just $597!

Yes, I want to upgrade now and save $600!

Plus Take Action Now and You’ll Get These Extra Bonuses worth $297

Bonus #1: Team Challenge Evaluation Checklist…

Once your challenge is complete… It’s pivotal to understand how to effectively evaluate your challenge…

Chances are, there will be things that worked and things that didn’t work during promotion, execution & follow up.

This checklist will help you identify what key elements of your challenge to bring with you to the next challenge and what to do differently next time. This will help you get better & better results with each challenge you do.

Bonus #2 Execution Checklist

As the leader of your team, doesn’t it make sense for you to have a bird’s eye view of everything needing to be accomplished for your team challenge?

With this Execution Checklist you’ll have the utmost confidence in your team as you all start to promote and deliver a killer challenge.

Yes, I want to take advantage of this special one-time only opportunity to grab  Done-For-You Package!

 Here's Everything You Get...

  • Full access to the bootcamp platform
  • Access to each day of the training
  • Accountability system
  • Live Q&A sessions
  • Tools, worksheets, downloads


  • The Ultimate Team Challenge Promotion Calendar
  • Group Set Up Checklist
  • Welcome Video Script
  • Proven Social Media Post Templates
  • Irresistible Email Templates
  •  Facebook Story Hacks
  • Team Challenge Roadmap
  •  Challenge Close Template
  •  Team Challenge Evaluation Checklist
  •  Execution ChecklistTeam 

Total value $1197,

only $597 today

Done For You Challenge Cheat Sheets and Templates

Income Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and their potential there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in this system. This is information designed to help you understand the specific information covered. We do not purport this as a “Get Rich Scheme”. This is not a business opportunity. How you use the information is entirely up to you. While every effort has been made to accurately represent the information along with our opinions and insights, any claims made or examples given, although believed to be accurate, should not be relied on in any way in making a decision whether or not to purchase.

Copyright - Beach Boss Influencers 2020.