April 14

How To Effectively Use TikTok To Grow Your Network Marketing Business

Adrian Lindeen

What is the most important part of building a network marketing business? 

Your products? Your opportunity? No. 

It is expanding your reach and growing your network.

A lot of times we get focused on the five people we are talking to right now.

We spend all of our time talking to them, and getting drug along month after month. 

At the end of the day, when they all say "No", then we have no one else to talk to.

How do you grow your business when you have talked to everyone you know?  

Today I am going to dive into why this microcontent social media platform is the best place to grow your network today

Do you know what the number one social media platform is right now

If you said TikTok, you are correct. 

With short seven to fifteen second videos, It is out performing Facebook, Instagram, reels, Snapchat, all the things. 

The good news is... there is still time to get on the boat

TikTok is moving in an upward trend and continues to grow. It has not even begun to meet that threshold where it starts to stabilize. 


When it comes to growing a network, people make the mistake of only focusing on their warm markets

If you want to 10X your business growth, you have to focus on growing your network daily, and getting outside of your warm market.

This is why I love TikTok - it is the perfect place to do just that. 

TikTok is highly effective at getting your videos in front of millions of people. 

People you don't know will start to follow you, they start commenting on your videos, and you will have strangers buying from you and joining your team. 

This platform differs from other platforms because you don't have to spend your time engaging or building your influence and relationship with your prospects. 

People will buy from you and follow you without you having to spend so much time hanging out with them.  


To be effective on TikTok you need to post consistently everyday

It doesn't matter if you are posting once a day or three times a day. 

It doesn't matter what time you post. It doesn't have to be fancy with all the bells and whistles. 

You can start very basic and still be able to put content out there. 

It can seem overwhelming, especially when getting started. Don't overthink it

Start simple and be consistent.


You never want to delete any videos, even if it gets low views. 

You could have one video go viral, or one that gets lots of views, and all of a sudden people are coming and seeing your other videos. 

A lot of times people want to hide the posts that get low views or delete it. You have to ditch that mindset

We are not here for vanity lights. 

We are trying to grow your audience and get true followers.


You will want to batch your content. 

What that means is - you pick a day and create multiple videos. You can do this once a week, or more if you desire. 

You will keep these videos in your draft section. Once you have a plethora of videos housed in your draft section, it is just a matter of pulling it up, putting your words on it, and adding your hashtags. 

The more videos you create the faster and easier it will be to edit them.

This helps make the process less overwhelming. It helps you to be consistent, even when you don't have time.


TikTok is the place to let your hair down 100%. 

A lot of people feel like they can't be themselves on social media, and that shows up in a certain way. They turn on all the filters, and think to themselves "I can't say this or that". 

On TikTok you are in a big world of millions of people, it is the place that you are going to find the weird stuff, the funny stuff, the sad stuff, and the vulnerable stuff. 

It is a place to put your stuff out there - bad day, parenting, spouse, humor, all of it. 

There have been plenty of times where I watch a video and think to myself "wow, I never saw it like that" or "I never thought to do it that way".

I encourage you to be true to yourself. 


To help your videos get more views and exposure you will want to use the trending audio, but put your own spin on it. 

You also want to be intentional with your hashtags. 

I see a lot of people using random tags and that is not going to help you.

The purpose of hashtags on TikTok is to make it so people can search specific content. Hashtags are used to get in front of groups of people. So think about who you want your content in front of. 

TikTok will show you the audience size on your hashtags. You don't want to chose the highest number, because then more people are using that tag and it will be harder to get seen. 


Going viral should not be your goal

That is a wonderful thing, but going viral isn't going to make or break your influence or following. 

What is going to help you is showing up consistently, using trending audio, using the right hashtags, and using your Call-To-Action.

If you want to know more about building your business online, check out our free formula below.

Video Transcript

Disclaimer: Transcripts were generated automatically and may contain inaccuracies and errors.

Hey, Hey, Hey there, Adrian. Linine coming to you live with today’s episode. And today I’m gonna be talking about how to use TikTok to 10 X, your network marketing business. Uh, for those that don’t know who I am, I’m Adrian linine and the CEO and co founder of beach boss influencers, uh, where we help entrepreneurs, business owners, network marketers, like you build your business online, uh, leveraging social media influence marketing so that you could build a business that you love without having to do all the spammy stuff that we Don. So let’s get into today’s episode. All right. When it comes to building your business on TikTok on the social media, right? The most important thing in your business is growing your network. All right. And a lot of times we get focused on the, the five people that we’re talking to. Right? And so we spend a lot of time talking to these people, kind of get drug on month after month after month.

And at the end of the day, once they all say, no, we don’t have anybody else to talk to. So the best and fastest way to do that and build and grow your network right now on, on social media is on TikTok. Okay. With short seven, second, 15 second videos. It’s the number one social media platform. That’s outperforming Facebook, outperforming Instagram, the reels, right. Snapchat, all the things. Okay. It is the number one. Right. And the good news is that it’s only just getting started. Okay. So if you can remember, when you kind of felt like maybe you missed the boat with Facebook, you got started doing live video, you know, after everyone was on there. Right. And maybe you feel like it’s a little watered down. Well, TikTok is still moving in the upward trend and growing. Okay. It has not even, uh, you know, met that threshold where it starts to stabilize, right?

So it is still the number one and hot and popping, uh, platform to be using right now. Um, if you are building your business on social media, so if you’re not currently using TikTok, okay, better get yourself over there, fast. All right. Because you don’t wanna miss the boat when it comes to TikTok. And there are a lot of different nuances, um, other than, or, or about TikTok, uh, that Facebook and IG and all those things don’t have, or the, I, the AI and capabilities are different. Okay. So it works differently. It’s not just another, you know, Facebook type deal. So, um, what most people are missing, right? When it comes to growing their network is that they’re actually focused on their war markets. Uh, and this is how TikTok is different. All right. And this is what I love about it. Okay. So if you want to 10 X your business growth, um, you have to focus on growing that network daily and getting outside your warm market.

And TikTok is the perfect place, uh, because it’s highly effective, uh, in getting in front of millions, thousands of people, okay. Billions of people that you don’t know and having perfect strangers buy from you, join your team, start following you, right. Start commenting on your videos. And that’s what I love about it because it’s different than the other platforms. Okay. On other platforms, you have to spend a lot of time building that relationship, right? You become friends, okay. You start commenting and engaging on other people’s stuff, right. To build that re relationship and build that influence, right. You don’t have to necessarily build that relationship on TikTok to have influence, okay. This is what makes them different. People will buy from you and follow you without having to spend so much time engaging and hanging out with you. How many watching have purchase something on TikTok?

That would be me. How many watching have saw, seen something on Instagram and just went and purchased it. Right. Okay. Um, that happens a lot. And in fact, I continue to get customers. Okay. Uh, month after month from TikTok and from repurposing my TikTok videos that I did last year in other places, uh, that I’m at on social media. And so it’s really amazing to be able to create, have a place to create your micro content, create your short video, seven seconds, 15 seconds. It’s not hard y’all and be able to rep purpose it down the road time and time again, and grow your customer list and grow your team. All right. So I’m gonna share with you a couple tips to help you 10 X, your business growth, um, on TikTok. All right. So the first thing is you want to be posting consistently.

I challenge you to give yourself a 30 day challenge and see how much you can grow. You’re following over the next 30 days. And that means posting consistently, whether it’s one to three posts, okay. A day, right on TikTok. That means three different videos. And they don’t need to be all fancy with the bells and whistles. You can start off very basic and still be able to put content out there. Okay. So don’t overthink it, especially when you’re just getting started, because it can seem a little overwhelming, but if you’re already on and doing video, I challenge you to step up your game and start pumping out two to three of those videos. If you’re already on there a day. Alright. And you don’t wanna delete any videos, even if you get low views, because you could have a video go viral, or you could have a video, get a lot of views.

And all of a sudden people are coming and seeing you and going through and looking at your other videos, which could get your other videos going. Right. So you never wanna delete any videos, uh, just because they have low views. We are not in this for vanity. Okay. And so a lot of times people wanna hide that they got low views on something. They’re gonna delete it. If that doesn’t look good. Okay. You gotta ditch that mindset. You, we’re not here for vanity lights, vanity, following, paying people to grow your, your, your stuff for you. Right. Okay. We are trying to grow that audience and get true followers. Okay. So the second thing is, is, um, you want a content batch. Okay. What, and what that means is I would pick a day, right. And maybe you do this twice a week, three times a week, where you are creating multiple videos.

Okay. And you are able to keep them in your draft section of TikTok. Okay. The F section, once you have a plethora of videos housed in your draft section, it’s just a matter of pulling it up, putting in your wording, right. Putting in your hashtags and sending that out. So it makes the process less overwhelming. It helps keep you consistent so that you are showing up consistently on TikTok. Right. Um, also TikTok is the place to let your hair down 100%. And what I mean about that is, uh, a lot of people feel like they can’t be themselves on social media that just show up a certain way. Uh, they have to have, you know, use, uh, filters on all their stuff. Right. I can’t say this. I can’t say that because I’ve got my family following and, you know, aunts and uncles and this friend and whoever.

Right. Okay. Well, TikTok, you’re like in a big world of millions, billions, thousands of people, it is the place that you are, are gonna find the weird stuff. The funny stuff, the sad stuff, the vulnerable stuff. Right. And it is absolutely the place to let your hair down and be a hundred percent you and I encourage that. Okay. Um, I fight TikTok to be hilarious. There’s a lot of times people do things where it’s, oh my gosh. I thought that, but I haven’t, I just never put it out there. Okay. It is the place to put your stuff out there. Right. Having a bad day. Uh mom’s you know, parenting stuff, husband, way of humor. I mean, there’s so many fun things, um, that you can put out on TikTok that you NEC wouldn’t necessarily kind of create a short video and put on, uh, on Facebook or put in IG.

Okay. Um, the more videos you create, the easier and faster it is going to be creating videos moving forward, right. In the beginning, it’s gonna be a, you know, a little difficult, the buttons getting in your texts, timing, everything, right. But the more that you practice and go through that process, the faster it’s going to be, the easier it’s gonna be. And then you’re gonna be able to move up and get more advanced in the type of videos and sounds that you are using. Okay. The third thing is you wanna use trending sounds okay. Or trending sounds original sounds with, and use ’em with your own spin, to help get your video, help, get your videos more views and exposures. Now remember only 2% of your videos or videos in general, actually go viral. You’re not going to, you’re not aiming, like your goal. Shouldn’t be to go viral.

It’s wonderful. If that happens, but going viral isn’t necessarily going to make or break your influence or you’re following. Okay. Yes. Can you going viral? Uh, bring more followers. Absolutely. But showing up consistently using calls to action, like follow me, right. Or let’s, let’s, let’s be friends or check out my link in the bio. Right. Those are all ways that you can grow your following. Okay. Um, and number four, be intentional with your hashtags. Okay. Sometimes I see a lot of people just using random staff. All right. When you put in a hashtag on TikTok, it’s gonna show you the audience size. Right. And let me, let me explain a little bit about hashtags here on TikTok. Hashtags are different on TikTok, the purpose and what they do versus on IG and on Facebook, on IG, on Facebook hashtags, make it so that people can search your content.

Okay. On TikTok, hashtags are used to get in front of pockets of audiences. Okay. So if you’re looking up a hashtag and it might say mompreneur or husband, wife, humor, it’s gonna show up and it’s gonna say, you know, 1.4 billion or 34 million. Right. And those are the people that it is going, your video is going to get in front of. So as you pump out, you know, one to two to three videos a day, okay, you don’t have to worry about your videos competing with one another, like you would on other platforms, right. Posting too close together, because they’re getting seen by different audiences. Okay. And that is huge, right. I would refrain from getting, from using, you know, a billion people in your audience and keep it down to smaller pockets. All right. If you’re gonna use a billion, it’s just way too big and your stuff’s not gonna get seen.

Right. So I would, I would keep it down in the millions and thousands. Um, but use your hashtags intentionally, who do I want this to get in front of, right. Who what’s my, and what is my brand hashtag, who am I becoming right. Where you can start creating your own, putting that in there. And so people kind of getting an idea of who you are, you’re getting in front of those audiences. And it’s amazing. All right. And pro tip here, you can repurpose all your TikTok videos across multiple social media platforms. So like I said, in the beginning about posting something on TikTok last year that got me a ton of customers. I now am able to take that same video, put it in my Facebook stories, put it in my IG reels. Right? Put it in all the places that I’m at and continue to get customers every single time I run that video.

So it is amazing to be able to have one place, to create this micro content using seven second, 15, second videos, and be able to enroll customers and team members month after month because of something I created months ago. Right. And in the meantime, I’m showing up consistently I’m growing my network. I have complete strangers buying from me. Okay. And I have people joining my team. So, um, this is how you’re gonna be able to 10 X your business growth on TikTok. Okay. And I challenge you to get yourself into a 30 day C um, for yourself. Right. And see how that works for you. I find TikTok has brought back the fun in my business again, and I don’t know about you, but I also was in this to have fun and enjoy my life, building a business that I love. Right. So if you’ve found value and you wanna learn more about how you can build your business on social media, grab the link below. Thanks for hanging out with me. And I will see you next time.


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Adrian Lindeen

About the author

Adrian Lindeen is a Texas mama of two married to her best friend. Influence Marketing Strategist, Video Marketing Expert, #1 Best Selling Author in 7 countries, and one of the co-founders of Beach Boss Influencers.

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