January 25

How To Motivate Your Network Marketing Team

Cari Higham

Out of all of the questions that I hear from my students, teammates and clients, the one that I get the most is...

How do I motivate my network marketing team?

  • How do I get them to do what I'm doing?
  • What can I do to get them to go live?
  • How do I get them to invite people, to take a look at my opportunity?
  • How do I keep the fire going for them?

I'm here to tell you that, that is a trick question.

Did you know that that is not actually your job?

Your job is not to motivate your team because the only person that you can motivate is yourself.

It's actually impossible for you to take motivation and transfer it to somebody through osmosis.

You can't do it. And so what can you do, right?


Well, first off, you have a volunteer army and you need to remember that these people they're getting paid by the work that they do. And you're not their boss, right? 

Like you're not their boss. You're not actually paying them a paycheck.

And so they have to find and discover their own motivation.

In my own experiences of growing teams and helping other people grow them, I have found that the best thing you can do is focus on building your own business. Work with the people that are already motivated. 

And the easiest way to do this is to just keep going and keep growing.

The speed of the leader is the speed of the pack.

So you go out, you continue to enroll. Continue to bring in new customers. You continue to bring in new teammates and start to identify who the leaders are that are hungry, that want it. They are going to be the ones messaging you and wanting to put people in front of you.

They're doing the dang thing just like you are.

And whether or not they are getting results, they are showing you that they are already motivated. They have everything it takes to be able to go and duplicate quickly and build your network marketing team. They just need the right guidance.

Other people you might need to put a little bit more time into, but I'm telling you, I do not give my time to people that are not coachable and are not willing to do the things necessary, to create success, to create the success in their own network marketing team.


If you want to create massive momentum, it's got to come from you first. You're gonna have to be the self-starter. You're gonna have to be the one that goes out and starts. When you do that, those motivated people will get competitive. These are the people that want to do what you do. They want the success that you have and so they are going to go out and get it for themselves. They don't need to be motivated to do it. They simply want to do it.

And those are the people you wanna work with because you wanna work where the fire is hot.

And the more people you can get that are all already self starters and already motivated, the easier it's gonna be to create that momentum for your network marketing team.


Now, there are things you cannot create. You cannot transfer motivation, right? That's something that I said earlier.

What you can do is you can play on what drives people and what drives the behavior that you want to see in your team.

In order to do this, you've got to focus on one core motivator. After years in coaching, I found that one motivator and it wasn't money.

In fact, I've found that very few people are actually driven by money. If they were driven by money, they would all be millionaires, right?

My husband and I found that out several years ago when we kind of hit that glass ceiling. We had gotten stuck in our rank and couldn't figure out how to pop that bubble.

We were going out, we were enrolling people. We were working day in and day out. We had leaders that were going out and enrolling new people. We were growing and growing but not actually moving up. 

And that's when one of our mentors gave us some of the best advice that we ever got...

And that was that we needed to start recognizing people for whatever effort they were putting in, because recognition is the core motivator for a lot of people.


You know, it's funny because when I look back at it, when I was first starting a business online, there was always one thing that was an even bigger motivator for me than money.  And that was being recognized by my mentors, by the people that I aspire to be like.

But I'll be honest with you and say that I sucked in the network marketing space in the very beginning. And it wasn't until I learned social media and started doing great that I started having people pat in my back and recognizing me. I was seeing my name on the top of leaderboards and being tagged in posts.

Now, for me, that recognition was enough to get me going. And what I found is that it's enough to get even the people that are scared out of their mind to go live on social media. It's enough to get the people that are terrified to reach out to that family member or that friend. 

Recognition is something that will drive most people to success.


Like I said, you can't motivate people, but if you are able to play on people's core motivators, it makes it easier for those people, who aren't just naturally motivated to do something, it will kind of kick something in so that you're able to find people through them.

So how can you motivate your network marketing team using recognition, no matter the size of your team?

Well, you can start by just recognizing the little things. One thing that we started to implement after talking to this mentor was we started to do a couple recognition posts a week of upcoming leaders in our team that were crushing it.

We would do it inside our team group. And then we would do on our personal pages and on our business pages. You know, it was pretty much plastered all over our social media people on our network marketing team were crushing it.

Other little things that we would do is we would give shoutouts to certain people, right on team calls, in front of everyone. We actually made time for it on our team training calls where people could let us know what their wins were. And sometimes the wins were small, like going live for the first time. But if they got the recognition that they did it, chances were they wanted to do it again because as they wanted more of that recognition.

Then for major accomplishments, we did things like, invited someone to actually go live with us throughout our community. If someone hit like a leadership rank, we were introducing that leader to our social media pages and whatnot. 


Rewards are a fantastic way to connect with your team and motivate them. 

For example, a friend of mine, a little bit ago during Christmas time, she had done a post on social media where she said, you all say Merry and I'll say Christmas, and whoever was the last to say, Merry, before I say Christmas will get a little gift from me. And all she did was she went to Amazon and she got like a little notebook and a pen and, you know, put it in some cellophane. 

But that really sparked engagement on her social media. And you can take that exact same strategy and you can use it inside your team as well. It could be whoever invites the most people to this online event is gonna get a gift from you. 

It doesn't have to be a cruise to the Bahamas. It could just be a gift card or a tshirt.

You'll find that if you're willing to take a little bit of your profit and put it back in your network marketing team towards rewards and different things like that, people get excited. 

They get excited for their rewards. They get excited for their recognition.

And it's a way that you can kind of spark a little bit of that momentum inside of people that need that little bit of a push to do something truly great.

They're the 80 percenters. They are there and consistent, but not making waves just yet. But when you offer the recognition, they're gonna be willing to do just a little bit more. And that little bit is all you need to be able to find leaders.


Yes, you cannot motivate your team. That's not your job.

Your job is to grow your business, but with a couple of these hacks and tips and tricks that I shared with you today, hopefully you'll be able to spark a little bit of that momentum in your network marketing team. 

Let me know below your favorite way to recognize people. And if you're still struggling to get the kind of success that you want from your business, check out our free formula below!

Video Transcript

Disclaimer: Transcripts were generated automatically and may contain inaccuracies and errors.

Hey there. What’s going on Carrie Hiam here. And in this episode, we’re gonna talk about how to motivate your team this year. If you’re brand new and we’re meeting for the first time, my name’s Carrie Hiam, and I’m a beach boss influencer and I coach and train network marketers and other home business entrepreneurs, teaching them how to grow of businesses, leveraging social media automation, how to increase duplication and build wildly successful teams that they love leveraging incredible platforms. Like the one you’re watching me on. Now, if you’re watching wherever you may be watching me on because I am streaming in different areas, hit the subscribe button, hit the like follow and make sure you share this video with anyone that you think might benefit from it. So the question that seems to come up a lot, um, when I, when I’m coaching, uh, my students, my teammates, clients, et cetera, is how do I motivate my team?

How do I get them to do what I’m doing? You know, how do I get them to do the live videos? How do I get them to invite people, to take a look at my opportunity? How do I keep the fire going for them? And I’m here to tell you that that is a trick question. Did you know that that is not actually your job? Your job is not to motivate your team because only a only you, your, the only person that you can motivate is yourself. It’s actually impossible for you to tell, take motivation and transfer it to somebody through osmosis. You can’t do it. And so what can you do, right? What can you do? Well, first off, you have a volunteer army and you need to remember that these people they’re getting paid by the work that they do. And they don’t, you’re not their boss, right?

Like you’re not their boss. You’re not, um, actually paying them a paycheck. And so they have to find and discover their own motivation. So the best thing that you can do and what you can focus on what I’ve found personally, in my own experiences of growing teams and helping other people grow teams and, you know, career creating that massive duplication quickly is I tell people to focus on building your own business, work with the people that are already motivated, right? And the easiest way to do this and identify this is you. The speed of the leader is the speed of the pack. So you go out, you continue to enroll. You continue to bring in new customers. You continue to bring in new teammates and start to identify who the leaders are that are hungry, that want it, that they’re the ones messaging you, you know, wanting to put people in front of you.

They’re the ones that, you know, they’re doing the do just like you are. And if you, whether or not they’re getting results, some people they have the skill sets. And so they’re able to go and they’re able to duplicate quickly. Other people you might need to put a little bit more time into, but I’m telling you, I do not give my time to people that are not coachable and are not willing to do the things necessary, to create success, to create the success in their own team. All right? So people will do what you do. So the, if you want to create massive momentum, it’s gonna actually come from you first. You’re gonna have to be the self-starter. You’re gonna have to be the one that goes out and starts. Enrolling people quickly, starts enrolling. CU customers quickly starts enrolling teammates quickly. When you do that, the people that are motivated that are a little bit more competitive, you know, the people that wanna do what you do and want a piece, uh, wanna taste and a piece of the success that you’re having, they’re gonna start going out and they’re gonna start rolling.

And those are the people you wanna work with because you wanna work with where you wanna work, where the fire is hot. And the more people you can get that are all already self starters already motivated, the easier it’s gonna be to create that momentum. Now, there are things you cannot create. You cannot transfer motivation, right? That’s something that I said earlier, but what you can do is you can, um, play on PE what drives people and what drives you than behavior. So what I have for personally found in coaching, this has also been, you know, it was something that I had a hunch on early on, um, in growing my team when I actually started, um, understanding the whole enrollment process. And I started to create that duplication. I had a hunch that there was one thing that people would actually get to work that would actually drive people to get to work.

And it wasn’t, it wasn’t money. I’ve found that very few people are actually driven by money. If they were driven by money, we would all be, they would all be millionaires, right? it it’s obvious that not everybody is driven by money, but there is one core motivator that seems to drive the majority of people that are out there, especially the people that are the self-starters that are motivated, tho people that, um, you know, for whatever reason, it’s not money, it’s not the results necessarily that drives them. But it’s this one thing. And that is recognition. So several years ago, I was, I was at a point wi and my husband and I, we, we grow teams together, uh, or we were growing our team together at the time. And there was, we noticed that, like, we kind of hit that glass ceiling. You know, we had gotten to a certain rank and we were stuck at that rank.

We were going out, we were enrolling people. We were, you know, doing the do. And we went to one of our mentors and we’re like, what’s missing, like we’re enrolling new people. We have leaders that are going out and enrolling new people, but we can’t seem to like pop the bubble, right? Like, it’s like this momentum, that’s just kind of growing, growing, growing, but the bubble won’t pop. And he gave us some of the best advice that we ever got. And that was that we needed to start recognizing people for whatever effort they were putting in, because recognition is a huge driver and a huge motivator for a lot of people. And it’s funny because when I look back at, when I was first learning how to grow my business online, first learning social media platform, I actually learned it through an affiliate offer. And it wasn’t necessarily the, like I, money is a driver of mine.

I’m actually one of those rare people where money does actually motivate me. However, there was one thing that I, at the time, it doesn’t necessarily anymore, but there was one thing at the time that was an even bigger motivator for myself than the money. And that was being recognized by my mentors, by the people that I aspire to be like, you know, at the time, my core motivators when, you know, and I, it’s funny because when I think back, I sucked in the network marketing space in the very beginning. And it wasn’t until I learned social media and started doing great. And I started having people pat in my back and recognizing me, and I saw my name on the leaderboards. And, you know, I started building this status for myself that I like at the time, that was what I was moving for. Now, for me, myself, that recognition was only, it only, uh, held me for so long, but it was enough to get me going. And what I found is that it’s enough to get even the people that are scared out of their mind to go live on social media, even the people that are terrified to reach out to that family member or that friend. And you, you guys are gonna gems in the back. She’s ready for another snack. Pause real quick.

Do you want another one? You want another one? Come here, let finish this video. There. There you go.

Okay. and I’m back. So I found that recognition is something that actually will drive most people. And so what can you do to bring in some recognition inside your team? So, like I said, you can’t motivate people, but if you are able to play on people’s core motivators, it makes it easier for those people, for those people who aren’t just naturally motivated to do something, it will kind of kick something in so that you’re able to find people through them. All right. Through. So recognition little things like, uh, one thing that we started to implement after talking to this mentor was we started to, uh, a couple times a week do recognition posts of upcoming rock stars leaders in our team that were crushing it. Um, we would do it inside our team group. And then we would do on our personal pages on our business pages.

You know, it was pretty much plastered all over our social media people that were crushing. It. Other little things that we would do is we would give shoutouts to certain people, right on team calls, where we set, where, you know, if someone, uh, invited their first person, right. We actually made time for it on our team training calls where people could let us know what their wins were. And sometimes the wins were so small, like going live for the first time or whatever that may be. But if they got the recognition that they did it, chances were, they were wanting, they wanted to do it again because as they wanted more of that recognition, and then for big major accomplishments, we did things like, you know, invited, um, someone to, to actually go live with us throughout our community, to, you know, if someone hit like a leadership rank, we were introducing that leader to our social media pages and whatnot.

And so recognition is a core motivator. So think how can you bring a little bit of motivation to your team regardless of how big that team is? Maybe you only have one other person that’s doing this with you right now at that point. It’s how, how can you bring a little bit of that recognition, whether it’s giving them shoutouts on social media or, uh, whatever that may be. Another thing that is a motivator for people is rewards. And so, uh, a friend of mine, uh, a couple, you know, a little bit ago during Christmas time, she had done a post on social media where she said, um, I’m gonna say, uh, you all say Mary and I’ll say Christmas, and whoever, uh, was the last to say, Mary, before I say Christmas will get a little gift from me. And all she did was she went to Amazon and she got like a little notebook and a pen and, you know, put it in some cellophane.

And that was the gift that she sent to people. But that really sparked engagement on her social media. And you can take that exact same strategy and you can use it inside your team as well. It could be, you know, whoever invites the most people, uh, um, you know, uh, to this online event is gonna get a gift back. It’s gonna get a gift bag from me. It could be, you know, who, um, if anybody gets it, if you just get at least one person to this online event that we’re having, um, you know, everyone’s gonna go into a raffle and you’re gonna get something from me. It doesn’t have to be expensive. You don’t have to go out and then hundreds of dollars, once you start hitting leadership, ranks yourself. Um, you’ll find that if you’re willing to take a little bit of your profit and put it back in your team towards rewards and different things like that, people get excited.

They get excited for their rewards. They get excited for their recognition. And it’s a way that you can kind of spark a little bit of that momentum inside of people that, that aren’t necessarily gonna be the char, the workhorse or the freight trains, or the people that go out and like make it happen. But, you know, they’re the, they’re the, the 80 percenters, the people that are there that will do something here and there, chances are it’s gonna be when you do the contest, when you offer the recognition that they’re gonna be willing to do just a little bit and a little bit is all you need from a lot of people to be able to find leaders through those people. Okay. So, um, hopefully you got a little bit of value from this. If you did hit the subscribe, hit the like button wherever you may be watching it from.

And like I said earlier, share this video with whoever you think might be able to benefit from it. You cannot, you know, uh, motivate your team. That’s not your job. Your job is to grow your business, but with a couple of these hacks and tips and trips and tips and tips and tricks that I shared with you today, how hopefully you’ll be able to spark a little bit of that momentum, even from the people that aren’t the self-starters or aren’t easily motivated themselves. So have a great day, and we’ll see you on the next episode.


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network marketing group

Cari Higham

About the author

Cari Higham is a sought-after Speaker, Trainer, and #1 Best Selling Author that calls Utah home with her husband, Whit, and their three children.

Jumping into network marketing in 2013, she quickly learned that there’s a lot more to entrepreneurship than just talking to your friends and family and hoping your business will grow.

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