November 8

How to Stay Consistent With Your Content & Build Momentum Through the Holidays

Cari Higham

3 Simple Tips to Staying Consistent and Building Momentum Through the Holidays.

How do you stay consistent and build momentum through the holidays? We've been asked several times on our coaching sessions here in the Beach Boss Influencers community over the last few weeks. And so we are going to give you three simple tips to stay consistent and build momentum into this next year.

Using Your Time Wisely During the Holidays

Inside the Beach Boss Influencers community, we coach and train network marketers on how to make more in less time leveraging systems and processes and automation through social media. 

So when it comes to growing your business during the holidays, we know that for ourselves when we first got started in growing our network marketing businesses, we wanted to take the holidays off. 

It was impossible to get people to meet during this time because we were building our businesses old school. And when it came down to it, we would rather spend time with our families than go out and be prospecting or doing home meetings and parties all day long. 

And so when it came to the holidays, we would take that time off. We would kind of trickle out and then tell ourselves that in the next year we’re going to start building momentum and crush our goals. 

In doing so, we found this was the worst mistake that we could make as network marketers and as entrepreneurs. 


Because during the holidays there were other people that were running hard and they were getting in front of people and hitting people with Black Friday sales and “Join My Team” posts. 

And what it came down to was our businesses stayed stuck. Actually, it went backwards while all these other people that were around us rank advanced in January because they were able to build that momentum and they were willing to work when we weren’t. 

We're not gonna be sliding into people's DMs with “Join My Opportunity” posts. We don't do that here in Beach Boss Influencers. We believe in building our businesses in a professional and strategic way that you can be proud of. 

We want you to be proud of building your business. We want you to build your business like an actual real entrepreneur.

Tip One: Batch Your Content Ahead of Time

Here's the thing, when it comes to the last 15 days of the year, a lot of people are home. They get time off with their family. And so you want to be in front of them, you want to be seen on their phone. 

So we need to batch our content ahead of time, and what we mean by batching is, for example, filming two or three Facebook lives that you are gonna be able to stream live at a later date. And people won't know the difference whether it's live or not. They’ll just see you popping up in their newsfeed or their stories. They might think you’re live, but you could have shot that video weeks ago.

And it's one of those things that when you realize that you can do it, and you realize that there are tools that could help you do it, and that there is a strategy around doing it where you can attract people and not be sending those copy and paste messages and not be the salesy weirdo trying to get people to join your business, that’ll be when everything changes for you. 

If you want to learn how to batch and what tools you can use, check out our new course at Beach Boss Influencers, Influencer Content Hacks.

Trust us when we say that once you learn how to batch your content, it's going to completely change your life. Being prepared and batching content ahead of time makes it easier to stay consistent. 

Tip Two: Repurposing Content

So to give you an idea of how to repurpose content, take a Facebook Live you have filmed. And then cut it up and create it into mini content by making stories out of it, making TikToks out of it, make it into a reel. 

And because you’re able to repurpose, you’re able to go through different channels and different social media platforms. You can be all over the place using one simple video. Take the video and create solid blog posts and posts on Facebook and Instagram and all of these different platforms where you can attract people. 

So if when you have batched content, it then gives you time to repurpose it so that it's going everywhere. 

They're gonna be seeing you in their newsfeed.

They’re gonna be seeing you in stories.

They’re gonna be seeing you in TikTok.

They’re gonna be seeing you in reels.

They’re gonna be seeing you all over the place. 

This is important as there are people that are on Facebook that are not on Instagram. There are people that are on Instagram that are not on TikTok. There are people that are on TikTok that are not on Facebook. It’s vital that you're able to repurpose and put yourself everywhere, and we have a really simple process that we use to do that. 

When you do that, you're now in front of everybody and people are seeing you while your competitors are deciding to take the last six weeks off of the year.

Tip Three: Reusing Content

A study found that people don't remember what they viewed on any social media platform 90 days ago. 

And I want you to think about it. Who is that top influencer that you follow? Who's the person whose content you never miss because you absolutely love what they do?

Do you remember what they posted three weeks ago? Do you remember what they posted two months ago? 

You don't remember, right?

That's just part of the social media game. You have constant content that is thrown at you, so you don't remember what you read or what you viewed 90 days ago. So what we teach our students to do inside the Beach Boss community is every 90 days reuse your content or recycle your content. 

It can be the exact same post with a different picture. Or maybe you change the picture and you change the hook or the first few lines, but then the rest of the post is exactly the same. This is how you're able to condense time.

So keep that in mind during the holiday season.

What are your best videos? What are the best posts that you've done over the last few years that you can tweak and modify just a little bit and reuse so that you can spend more time with the people that you love and less time prospecting and creating content. 

Want to attract more people in the holiday season?

If you found these tips useful, you should check out our Influencer Content Hacks course. Inside this course, we're giving you our best hacks to build momentum and stay consistent with your content so that you're attracting more people, you're generating more leads, you're getting more customers, and you're enrolling more distributors before the end of the year so that you can build that giant momentum to take off into the next year.

Video Transcript

Disclaimer: Transcripts were generated automatically and may contain inaccuracies and errors.

How do you stay consistent and build momentum through the holidays? This is a question we’ve been asked several times on our coaching sessions here in the Beach Boss Influencers community over the last few weeks. And so in this video, I’m gonna be giving you three simple tips to stay consistent and build momentum into this next year for meeting for the first time. My name is Carrie Hyam and I am one of the beach boss influencers. Inside the Beach Boss Influencers community, we coach and train network marketers on how to make more in less time leveraging systems and processes and automation through social media. So like I said before, when it comes to growing your business during the holidays, I know that for me myself, when I first got started in growing my network marketing business, I used to kind of take the holidays off. I figured other people didn’t wanna meet with me during this time.

It was impossible to get people to meet with me during this time because I was building my business old school. And when it came time, when it came down to it, I would rather spend time with my family than go out and be prospecting and doing home meetings and parties and all of that all day long. And so when it came to the holidays, I would kind of take that time off, I would kind of trickle out, then I would tell myself, the next year I’m gonna start building momentum and I would crush my goals. And what I found in doing that was it was the worst mistake that I could make as a network marketer and as an entrepreneur, really. Because during the holidays there were other people that were running hard and they were getting in front of people and hitting the Black Friday, hitting ’em with Black Friday cells and join my team posts.

And what it came down to was my business stayed stuck. Actually, it went backwards while all these other people that were around me rank advanced in January because they were able to build that momentum and they were willing to work when I wasn’t. But how do you build momentum? How do you stay consistent and build momentum without sacrificing your family time? That was a big thing for me because I don’t know about you, but I got started in this business because I wanted time freedom. I wanted the freedom to be able to do what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it with the people that I love. And I didn’t wanna be spending Thanksgiving dinner prospecting people, . I had done that before and it was not what I wanted to do. So here’s a few simple tips. All of these tips, it comes to growing your business online, okay? We are not gonna be sending spammy copy and paste messages. We’re not gonna be sliding into people’s dms with Join My Opportunity post. We don’t do that here in Bebo. We believe in building our businesses in a professional and strategic way that you know can be proud of, right? We want you to be proud of building your business. We want you to build your business like an actual real entrepreneur.

Because if you’re building your business in slimy weird ways, you’re not gonna attract the people that you wanna attract into your business. So as I go through these tips, keep that in mind. You might need to rewire your thinking and how you’re growing your business, but the first thing that we do is we batch, we be prepared, right? We wanna batch our content ahead of time. So if I know that I have family party coming up, if I know that when it comes to the last two weeks of December, it’s dead for everybody. Nobody wants to work. Nobody wants to be hit with join my opportunity post. Nobody wants to do a home meeting. No one wants to do that stuff. And here’s the thing, when it comes to the last 15 days of the year, a lot of people are home. They get time off with their family.

And so you want to be in front of them, you wanna be in front of them on phone. I have my phone that I’m using to film this Facebook Live right now, but that’s where you wanna be. So if we batch our content ahead of time, and what I mean by batching is I’m filming this Facebook Live right now. I am actually going to be filming two or three other Facebook lives that I’m gonna be able to stream live later. And people won’t know the difference whether it’s live or not. They just see me popping up in their newsfeed. They see me popping up in their stories. They might think I’m live, but I could have shot that video weeks ago, . And it’s one of those things that when I realized that I could do it, and I realized that there was tools that could help me do it, and that there was a strategy around doing it where I could attract people and not be sending those copy and paste messages and not be the salesy weirdo trying to get people to join my business, that was when everything changed for me.

So that’s the first TE tip. Okay? And if you wanna fast track through this video, if you’re like, Okay, all I wanna learn is how to batch and what tools you use and all that thing, there’s a link in this video. It might be in the comments, it could be in the description. It’s gonna be somewhere in and around this video. You can check out Beach Bus Influencers, one of our newest courses that we’ve put out, which is called Influencer Content Hacks. And a big piece of that course is actually all about what I’m gonna be sharing here in this video and that first thing batching, because I’ll tell you what, once you learn how to batch your content, it’s gonna completely change your life. The second thing that you wanna do. So batching, being prepared and batching content ahead of time so that we’re, it’s easier to stay consistent.

That’s the first tip. The second tip is repurposing content. So to give you an idea of how I like to repurpose content, I am shooting this Facebook Live right now. And then what I’m gonna do, and what’s gonna happen with this Facebook Live is it, it’s probably gonna be cut up where it’s taken into mini content where we take bits and pieces of this live and we make stories out of it. We make TikTok talks out of it, it we might make reels. And because we’re able to repurpose, we’re able to go through different channels, different social media platforms. We’re all over the place using one simple video. We’ll take it the video and we’ll put it through Timmy. And then all of a sudden we have the video all written out to where we can do, do really solid blog posts and posts on Facebook and Instagram and all of these different platforms where we can attract people.

So if when we batched content, it then gives us time to repurpose it so that it’s going everywhere. So not only are people seeing us in one platform, they’re seeing us in another platform. And not only are they seeing us in all the platforms, but they’re gonna be seeing my face in different mediums inside the different platforms. They’re gonna be seeing me in their newsfeed, they’re gonna be seeing me in stories, They’re gonna be seeing me in TikTok, they’re gonna be seeing me in reals, they’re gonna be seeing me all over the place. So when you do that, there’s people that are on Facebook that are not on Instagram. There’s people that are on Instagram that are not on TikTok. There’s people that are on TikTok that are not on Facebook. When you’re able to repurpose and put yourself everywhere, and we have a really simple process that we use to do that.

When you do that, you’re now in front of everybody and people are seeing you while your competitors are deciding to take the last six weeks off of the year. And the last tip that I’m gonna give you, the third tip that I’m gonna give you is reusing content. This blew my mind. There was actually a study that was done, I believe it was by Harvard, I believe it was by Harvard. And Harvard actually found that people don’t remember what they viewed on any social media platform 90 days ago. They don’t remember. And I want you to think about it. Who is that top influencer that you follow? Who’s the guru? Who’s the person that you’re like, I am always watching their content. I absolutely love what they do. Do you remember what they posted three weeks ago? Do you remember what they posted two months ago?

Do you remember what they posted 90 days ago? You might have certain videos that you remember, but I can almost guarantee you don’t remember what day that video was posted. I bet you don’t remember. I bet you don’t remember people’s written posts that they posted six months ago. You don’t remember, right? And it’s not, It’s no one’s fault, right? It’s just part of the social media game. You are constantly, you have content that is thrown at you, so you don’t remember what you read or what you viewed 90 days ago. So what I like to do, and what we teach our students to do inside the Beach Boss community, is every 90 days re reuse your content or recycle your content. So if you did a post, maybe you wrote a post that did really well, and so you wanna reuse it, throw it up.

It can be the exact same post with a different picture. Or maybe it’s you change the picture and you change the hook or the first few lines, but then the rest of the post is exactly the same. This is how you’re able to condense time. It’s how you’re able to get more done in less time. It’s how you are able to keep up with some of these top influencers that are putting out content after content, after content. So maybe there’s a Facebook Live that you did 90 days ago and you wanna shoot the Facebook Live again. You know what? We have actually taken Facebook Lives that we did forever ago, and we have actually streamed them as if they were live again. And people don’t even realize that it’s a live video that we did a year ago. So keep that in mind. During the holiday season, What are your best videos?

What are your best posts that you’ve done over the last few years that you can tweak, modify just a little bit and reuse so that you can spend more time with the people that you love and less time prospecting and creating content. So like I said, there’s a link somewhere in this video. It’s gonna be either in the description, it could be in the comments, wherever it is. Maybe you’re watching this on Instagram. It’s definitely in our bio. There’s gonna be a link somewhere. You need to check out our Influencer Content Hacks course. It’s done by Beach Boss Influencers. And inside this course, we’re giving you our best hacks to build momentum and stay consistent with your content so that you’re attracting more people, you generate more leads, you get more customers, and you enroll more distributors before the end of the year so that you build that giant momentum to take off into the next year. So hope, grab that link right now. I hope you got value. If you got value, let me know in the comments and we’ll see you on the next video.


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Cari Higham

About the author

Cari Higham is a sought-after Speaker, Trainer, and #1 Best Selling Author that calls Utah home with her husband, Whit, and their three children.

Jumping into network marketing in 2013, she quickly learned that there’s a lot more to entrepreneurship than just talking to your friends and family and hoping your business will grow.

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