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Hey, Hey, there, I’m Adrian Linde and I’m one of the CEOs and founders of beach boss influencers. And on today’s training, I’m gonna be talking about how to stay motivated in network marketing. Okay. So if you are in network marketing and, uh, as you know, you’re gonna experience the ebbs and flows the ups and downs, the peaks and valleys of this industry. And I wanna share with you some tips on how you can stay motivated, uh, in your business so that when you hit those bumpy lows, when you’re in those valleys, uh, you know how to bounce back. Okay. Now, first of all, I want you to know that, um, this industry is a mental game. Okay. And if you can master that, you are going to be able to hit all your goals and have lots of success in your business. Okay. It’s just like, you know, sports or, uh, you know, uh, a lot of the things that we try to, we already do in life, right?
It is a mental battle. Okay. So I hope that with these tips, you’ll be able to stay motivated inside your business and continue showing up every single day, no matter what life has to throw you, because life will throw you some wrenches. Okay? Uh, it’s gonna throw you curve balls. It’s gonna drop a lot of things in your lap when you least expect it to try to interfere with what it is that you are trying to accomplish inside your business. But if you can stay motivated and master the mental part of this game of network marketing of being an entrepreneur, you are going to soar. Okay. So the first tip is, is to keep a daily reminder of the reason that you got started in this business. All right. And it must be strong enough to get you back on track when you’re feeling defeated.
All right. So my reason was freedom of choice. Uh, I came from a background of being a high school, uh, PE teacher, uh, and assistant principal for 10 years. I also coached volleyball for 15 years and I was very absent. I don’t wanna say absent. I wasn’t fully present in my kids’ lives, how I wanted them to be. They were smaller being raised, um, by daycare being, uh, having to pay for before and after school care. And my whole dream was to be a mom, um, and to not be able to fully, uh, you know, be present in all aspects, killed me. Right. And so I wanted freedom of choice to be able to choose when I woke up, choose how I spent my time and be able to provide right. Have, have freedom to provide for, uh, giving a life to my kids full of experiences, right. That they normally couldn’t get. Okay. And so that was my reason for getting started. But what fuels me in this industry is actually the naysayers, okay. The people who have, who told me all throughout my journey, that I could never make this business work, I could never be successful. Okay. Those words continue to play in my head and help get me up and pick me up and keep me going to prove them wrong. Um, which I did. Right. Um, prove them wrong and show people, um, that this actually can happen. And you have to remember that when people are saying things like that, they’re just projecting their own feelings because they possibly are jealous or feel like you are doing something they wish they could.
All right. The second thing is, is you gotta work on your mindset. Personal development is key. All right. It’s like exercising that muscle. Okay. That muscle to silence out all the voices that want to tell you to quit and give up. And it’s too hard and you’re not capable to silence that inner, you know, pull, uh, of defeat, right. When you’re feeling defeated to help you continue to pick yourself back up every single day and move forward. Okay. And with personal development, okay. Is, is building your belief in yourself. And until you have worked on your mindset and created and built that belief in yourself, you’re going to have to borrow that belief from others, borrowing that belief from people in your sideline, from your upline and from your own mentors, until you have developed and built that belief in yourself. Because if you don’t believe in yourself, you’re not gonna be able to accomplish and build the business that you want.
The next thing is is you wanna be persistent and consistent, okay. In taking action every single day. And while you might not always feel motivated the best way to keep motivating, keep moving forward. Okay. Is to take action. Okay. That is actually creating energy. It’s actually gonna create movement. Okay. Doing something. Alright. It creates energy and you’re gonna feel more motivated and accomplished when you are taking action. And when you stop taking action, it’s easier to spiral down, putting your business on the back burner and setting yourself up for quitting. Right. We don’t want that to happen. Okay.
The next thing is embrace where you are in your journey. Okay. And pace yourself, understanding that this is a marathon. It is not a sprint, right. There is a facade out there. Right? Understand that the Hollywood glamor of being a six figure earner within 90 days, just isn’t reality. That’s a lot of people blowing, smoke up your skirt, up your dress, up your shorts and your pants. What, whatever that is, whatever that looks like. Okay. But the reality is, is that everyone is capable of becoming a six figure earner. It’s just a matter of when, and it’s not going to happen overnight. I am a living, breathing testimonial of a six year overnight success. Right. So imagine, you know, uh, that you can create a multiple seven figure business within six years of starting in this industry. Right. So embrace where you’re at in your journey.
And if we’re not, you’re not where you’re at. Okay. You evaluate and see what is it that I need to do to get me where I need to go. Okay. And the last thing is it’s to attend events. All right. Attending events are super essential to any entrepreneur, as well as your business growth. Okay. Not only do they help with your energy and your mindset, but they also help with your business growth, they leave you excited and supercharged for your business, right? And it’s a great way to meet others in the industry and network with people and share testimonials. This also leaves you feeling encouraged and motivated. And I’m gonna tell you us beach bosses, uh, us beaches. So we like to say, we all met at an event. Okay. We were strangers. We were in different companies, right. We all met at an event. We built these bonds. We networked together. Okay. And now here we have it. You know, a couple years later we created a multiple seven figure business. So I hope that these tips help you stay motivated inside of your business. And for more social media tips on building your business, using influence marketing, grab the link above. We’ll see you next time. Bye-bye.
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