November 28

Is Offline or Online Network Marketing Right for You?

Beach Boss Influencers

Table of Contents

Gone are the days of in-person, face-to-face network marketing.

Or are they?

Let’s take a look at what network marketing looks like both online and offline.

Offline or Online Network Marketing
(Brooke Cagle/unsplash)

Online Network Marketing

The internet is the logical place to start your network marketing path.

Who among us doesn’t have 24/7 access to the World Wide Web?

The opportunities seem to be endless when it comes to how to grow your network marketing business online. Here are some of the ways to use the internet to your advantage:

Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook, Oh My!

Phones are overflowing with social media. They are the perfect way to naturally work your network marketing business into your social networks.

The beauty of these accounts is you can reach well beyond your own 483 friends.

A viral post can pull new viewers to your page.

Consistently providing value to your viewers can teach the algorithm to put you in front of like-minded people who may want to join your team.

Social media allows you to create shareable content that can help you spread your message around.

You aren’t limited to how far and wide you can reach when it comes to social media.

Get creative and create some content!

You’ve Got Mail

Creating an email list of potential customers and having the key to land right in their inbox is huge.

You can target people you already know have expressed interest in what you have to offer.

These people are very likely to jump on any specials you have because you don’t have to sell them on the product. They already love it, or they wouldn’t have joined your email list.

This email list is also a great place to target potential recruits.

They may have joined the list as customers, but passionate customers make valuable recruits.

Online Sales

Between grocery deliveries and online ordering, it seems that shopping in person has taken quite a dive in popularity.

Online shopping comes with its own perks:

  • You can see the total of your cart as you are crafting it
  • You can take your time researching the products that best fit your needs
  • You can make sure you’re getting the best deal
  • You can do it on your own schedule

With all your socials and emails directing your customers to the link where they can buy from you, you are practically spoon-feeding a sale to your audience.

Reaching Far and Wide

Your reach has a much larger potential when you take your network marketing online.

Unless you have an unlimited budget to visit every city and personally meet up with each person there, you won’t be able to reach as many people as you can online.

Offline Network Marketing

So, should we just ignore offline marketing completely since online marketing has so many benefits?

Not necessarily!

Offline network marketing has a few unique advantages that online doesn’t quite capture. Let’s look at them:

Genuine Connections

Yes, you can set up individual video calls online.

But are they really as effective or persuasive as talking to a real person face-to-face?

When you meet with someone in person, you can catch body language cues that you may have missed through a screen. While you’re talking about your business with them, you can tailor your message to what they need from you.

There’s no replacing the warmth and positive vibes that an in-person chat can produce.

Product Handling

Yes, online shopping offers many conveniences to busy customers.

But sometimes, when you handle a product, it sells itself.

A picture and online description might not do justice to the quality of the product.

If you use other senses when you use your product, such as smell or taste, you cannot replicate that experience online.

Allowing your customers to see what they are buying can do wonders for sales.

Under Pressure

You don’t want to make your customers uncomfortable, but there is a natural feeling that comes up when someone is buying something offline. They feel that if they don’t buy it now, they will miss the chance.

Online it seems that everything will always be available.

Offline, customers get a little more FOMO, which can lead to more sales.

The Best of Both Worlds

Luckily for you, you don’t have to choose between offline and online network marketing.

They each have their pros, so take advantage of both.

Create a strong online presence. Set up all the socials.

Take advantage of offline opportunities. You can be a vendor at your local farmer’s market or set up a pop-up event in your front yard.

Be open to trying new things, and you might be surprised at where you can find success.


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Beach Boss Influencers

About the author

The Beaches (Adrian Lindeen, Brandy Shaver, Cari Higham, Fran Loubser, Kat Krasilnikov) offer coaching and mentorship to network marketers who are in the trenches building their businesses using social media right now. Our community is FUN, EXCITING, and focused on our students getting RESULTS; Enrolling customers, teammates, ranking up in their businesses, growing 6&7 figure teams. All without working 24/7 and still having time freedom and a life. 

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