January 10

Network Marketing Recruitment | Selling vs. Sharing

Beach Boss Influencers

Table of Contents

It's time to wave goodbye to being that spammy, salesy person and welcome a new era of attracting people to your business naturally.

Let's dive into how this approach can transform your network marketing efforts, making your interactions more enjoyable and rewarding.


Building Trust in Sales

Network marketing is not just all about selling; it's about connecting and building relationships.

So, what's the real difference between chasing and attracting in sales?

Think about the traditional method of prospecting – it's like making a list of everyone you know and then knocking on every door, asking if they're interested in your product.

Imagine going door-to-door selling cheesecake. You'll find people who don't eat sugar, are vegan, or simply aren't interested in dessert.

This method is exhausting, isn't it?

The key takeaway here is that old-style prospecting is a numbers game – expect to hear ‘no' 99 times before getting one ‘yes'.

But let's flip the script.

It's time to engage in a way that builds trust and genuine interest, focusing more on sharing value and less on pushing for a sale.

Modern vs. Old School Marketing

In network marketing, it's essential to distinguish between the old school methods and the modern, more effective approaches.

Traditional tactics, often a game of numbers, would have you hear a barrage of ‘nos' before finally getting a ‘yes'.

You'll meet a variety of responses, many of them rejections, because not everyone is your ideal customer.

Plus, newcomers to network marketing, without the resilience to face constant rejection, may feel discouraged early on.

Moreover, the old school method is akin to a stranger showing up at your doorstep with an offer.

It lacks the critical element of trust.

Today's savvy consumers are more likely to reject such direct, uninvited sales pitches.

They value familiarity and trust, elements glaringly absent in these outdated approaches.

Additionally, with the digital shift, many network marketers have inadvertently turned to spamming – bombarding social media feeds with unsolicited promotions and messages.

These spammy tactics are the online equivalent of intrusive door-to-door sales, often received negatively by the audience.

Remember, just because the medium has changed, it doesn't mean the principles of trust and targeted approach should be ignored.

Modern marketing in network marketing is about identifying and connecting with your ideal audience, building trust, and offering solutions they are actively seeking, not just pushing a product.

Avoiding Spam in Digital Marketing

There is a fine line between effective communication and spamming.

Many of us have fallen into the trap of spammy tactics, often taught by our uplines without realizing the negative impact.

It's a common mistake, but there's always room for improvement and learning.

One classic misstep is using personal occasions like birthdays to push your products.

Imagine receiving a birthday message that ends up being a sales pitch.

It feels insincere, right?

That's not the way to build genuine connections.

Similarly, bombarding social media with tags or adding people to groups without their consent is a no-go.

It's not just about putting your product out there; it's about respect and permission.

Consider your social media profile as a storefront.

If it's all about selling and discounts, people will likely pass by.

People are drawn to stores that intrigue and engage them, not those that aggressively sell.

Remember, nobody likes to feel they're just being sold to.

They want to discover and understand the benefits on their terms.

Our goal in network marketing should be to educate and share, not to overwhelm with sales pitches.

By shifting our focus from aggressive prospecting to building relationships and providing value, we can avoid the pitfalls of spam and create a more positive, effective marketing experience.

Successful Influence Marketing Strategies

Gone are the days of old-school tactics like bombarding every acquaintance with sales pitches.

We've learned, sometimes the hard way, that this approach can lead to awkward interactions and strained relationships.

We have messaged old high school friends, asking for their numbers under the guise of business, only to be met with a wary response.

These stories, while funny, underline a crucial point: people sense and recoil from insincerity and sales pressure, a phenomenon we affectionately term ‘commission breath.'

So, what's the alternative?

The magic lies in Influence Marketing.

This strategy is all about understanding and connecting with your audience.

It's not about casting a wide net to catch anyone and everyone.

Instead, it's about focusing on those who are already looking for solutions you offer, those who are problem-aware.

When you understand your ideal prospect's needs and struggles, you can tailor your content to speak directly to them.

This approach doesn't just resonate; it feels personal and genuine.

Take skincare, for example. The difference in approach between talking to someone indifferent to skincare and someone actively seeking solutions is night and day.

When you provide value and address specific problems your potential customers face, you're not selling – you're helping.

And when you help, they come to you.

This is where Influence Marketing shines.

It allows you to build trust and rapport on a large scale, thanks to social media.

People buy from those they trust, like a friend recommending a movie.

When you share stories, experiences, and solutions genuinely, you're not just reaching one person – your message echoes across your network.

Ultimately, Influence Marketing is about changing the mindset from selling to sharing.

It's about cultivating relationships, not transactions.

By focusing on adding value and building trust, not only do you attract the right people, but you also create a community that respects and values what you bring to the table.

And in a world overloaded with sales pitches, that authenticity is what sets you apart.

Want To Accelerate Your Business?

If you want more help on how to make more money in less time using social media, grab our Social Influencer Formula where we show you how to crush your business in three simple steps.

Video Transcript

Disclaimer: Transcripts were generated automatically and may contain inaccuracies and errors.

Speaker 1:
You could even have the most amazing product in the world. But if that person doesn’t know like you and trust you, doesn’t matter what it is. They’re going to say no.

Speaker 2:
Stop being spammy. It’s time to learn how to recruit a pro. In this episode, we’re going to be diving into the fundamental aspects of how to ditch the spammy, salesy weirdo of recruiting and actually start to attract people into your business. Don’t forget to subscribe and stay updated on all things network marketing. What does it mean to spam and chase people versus attract?

Speaker 3:
There’s a very cool concept that usually we share with our students that I will share with you guys. So there’s a difference between prospecting and marketing. So prospecting, it’s pretty much how old school network marketing works. It’s basically you go make a list of everyone and anyone and go ask everyone on that list if they would be interested in your opportunity. So it’s basically kind of go into a neighborhood and start knocking on everyone’s door and asking if they want to buy your cheesecake.

Speaker 2:

Speaker 3:
What’s going to happen? There will be people who will say, I don’t eat any sugar. There will people who say I’m vegan. There are people who will say, no, I just ate a dessert or so pretty much.

Speaker 1:
Meanwhile my mouth is salad cheesecake. It

Speaker 3:
Was a bad

Speaker 2:
Example, right?

Speaker 3:
Cheesecake is a bad example. So maybe it’s like nice, I’m

Speaker 1:
Your perfect prospect.

Speaker 3:
What I’m trying to say that you will have to hear 99 nos and it’s statistics if you do prospect in traditional way before you will hear one. Yes. Now, I’m not trying to say that it’s don’t do this. There’s people who came before us who did just that and they were successful. But the network marketer who just start this journey, they’re not going to want to go through 99 nos. They don’t have thick skin, they don’t have the skillset. They don’t even know how to deal with the rejection. So the problem is when simple network marketer who just gets started and being told go for no, they’re going to quit after no number three.

Speaker 1:
Exactly. And to that point, I want you to imagine that some random stranger is the one that’s coming to your door offering you cheesecake. You’re going to be like, first off, I don’t know you. There’s probably poison in here. Or

Speaker 3:
Edible, do

Speaker 2:
You see my sign? No. Soliciting.

Speaker 1:
You could even have the most amazing product in the world, but if that person doesn’t know like you and trust you, doesn’t matter what it is, they’re going to say no. Right?

Speaker 2:
Yeah. And here’s the thing. What happens is spamming all your stuff all over, it just rubs people the wrong
Speaker 4:
Way Because here’s the thing, they didn’t actually go out looking for that information. So it’s like those solicitors, they’re showing up, knocking on your door. You haven’t asked for this information, but here they are telling you all about their cheesecake and all about their stuff. Amazing.

Speaker 5:

Speaker 4:
You haven’t

Speaker 5:
Even cooked sugar. You haven’t even asked

Speaker 4:
For any of this information. So when you see this all in your news feed, three

Speaker 5:
Patents, patents on the what? On the cheese,

Speaker 1:
The crust, the milk, butteries, flay crest.

Speaker 4:
But you know what I’m saying, it’s like

Speaker 5:
Guilt free. It’s like

Speaker 4:
I didn’t even go asking for this, and you’re putting it all up in my feet and you’re shoving it in my face. And so it just really rubs people the wrong way.

Speaker 1:
And I think we need to actually give specifics of what spamming is. So in 2020 when the world shut down, it seems like all these network marketers that were growing their businesses, they just took their spam us, their spamming us that they were doing offline and they moved it online. And I don’t think a lot of ’em are even aware that they’re a

Speaker 4:
Spammer. I don’t need to. They knew that. They don’t know what they didn’t wrong with it, right? Yeah. They didn’t know what they didn’t know. But a spammy message in, for instance, this lives in Dear dmm, which I probably get 25 billion a day, right? Is, Hey, you have an incredible following. You’d be great at what I’m doing. It’s ground floor opportunity. Here’s the video, right? It’s kind of like I just, Carrie, here’s my throw up.

Speaker 5:
Do you want it? Do you want it? I saw what’s your birthday taste cheesecake? And I have an incredible offer for you. And that is just,

Speaker 4:
That’s gross.

Speaker 5:
Yeah. It makes you,

Speaker 4:
If you’re doing those things or have done them, because I was taught by my upline to do some of those things. I didn’t know any better. So until you know better, don’t go jumping off a cliff or anything because you’ve been doing this, there is a way out there is recovery. And by the way, we all did these things before. So we’re not putting anyone down here. We’re laughing at ourselves, we’re laughing at ourselves. And when I say it’s gross, it’s because I had a birthday recently and you’re like, oh my gosh, someone’s sending me a birthday message and you feel all special until they turn around and they really just make it about themselves. Oh, here’s your $10 gift flavors. You go buy something. Do not use people’s birthdays as a way to prospect and then another way of spamming, and it’s not necessarily, oh, I’m putting my stuff in front of people’s face. But if you’re tagging 90 people, oh my God, or everyone tag or everything on your stuff about your stuff without their permission, without their permission, or you’re just mass adding people into your group about your product, that is spamming. That’s spamming. Or

Speaker 1:
Another example is doing a post with your magic elixir. I don’t know how many posts that we see where they’re drinking their shake and we see name a company, what the shake is

Speaker 4:
50% off, 50%

Speaker 1:
Off. You buy. Now

Speaker 4:
Here’s my referral code

Speaker 6:
Shrink. There’s the weight loss supplement with a before and after photo, but you actually see the same before and after photo on somebody else, another company’s product. Literally, I’ve seen the sale before and after photos in multiple companies and I’m thinking, yeah, I have. And it’s like,

Speaker 1:
Really? Now here’s the thing. There is a time and a place for before and after

Speaker 4:
For better, and there is a time and a place for a sell your own or people on your team that you know of that it really happened for those people on their team

Speaker 6:
In your own Facebook group where people have held their hand up, they want more information and you’re not here. Look what it’s done for people who are actually interested in the product.

Speaker 1:
And Katt gives the perfect analogy of this. If you pretend that your profile to your social media is a store, you’ve given this before on an episode that we did Backdoor Front. It’s a storefront. And so when people are coming by to see if they want to be your friend, if it’s buy this and buy this and discount here, a different store, oh, I’m going to go because imagine that you walk into a mall, you walk into the mall, you know want to buy a shirt, but what happens when the salesman comes up to you and says, just go away. Can I help you food the check? No. Right? I’m just looking. Even if you went in there to buy a shirt, but because it’s salesy and it’s that no one wants to be sold. However, people love to buy when they’re educated on when it’s there, when it’s their idea

Speaker 4:
And they see what the benefits for them, they

Speaker 6:
See the benefits, they can see how it’s going to help and serve

Speaker 3:
Them. So this is prospecting for you. It’s going after everyone without prejudging. And we were taught this in traditional

Speaker 4:
No relationship building. It’s just drop these bombs,

Speaker 3:
Don’t make a list and go connect with everyone. And what happened, like Carrie said, everyone who used to do it face-to-face came online and now doing it on social media, calling it influence marketing.

Speaker 4:
I have the funniest story about this. You guys want to get,

Speaker 1:

Speaker 4:
My gosh, that’s so bad. So I was taught, right? Well, when I first started network marketing, I didn’t really use social media, but then my upline was like, okay, how might we incorporate this social media deal? And that’s exactly what we did was took our offline spammy skills and we move them online. So I had a pretty nice sized Facebook friend list because you have friends back from when you went to high school, which was somewhere around 20 or so. Anyway, so yeah, one of the things at events was just go through your Facebook friends and send the, I need your number, so I need your number. So what that’s supposed to send Messenger, right? So I did it to everyone. Well, pretty much. So I sent this message to one of my really great, I went to prom with his best friend, so he was one of my really good friends. He was a year older than me in school. Is this Gary? And so

Speaker 5:
I sent this message,

Speaker 4:
I need your number to Gary in Messenger, and he sends back, I’m married, right?

Speaker 5:
Okay. That went downhill

Speaker 4:
Real fast. Anyway, he ended up on my team really good at what I do, but it was just embarrassing from seeing some of the stuff that I’ve done to build my business. So why do y’all think that more people aren’t talking about this

Speaker 1:
In the network marketing

Speaker 4:
Industry? They don’t know. I know. I think they just keep rinse and repeating what they’ve done and it’s being taught from stage to just do things right. Now, I’ve seen some of the shifts in some companies. Some companies are embracing more of the social media and the influence marketing idea of building their business, but it’s kind of like they’re stuck in their ways, if that makes any sense.

Speaker 1:
Another thing, another reason why I don’t think it’s being talked about more is because when someone starts branding themselves, people become tied to that person and not the company and not the upline. And so I’m calling it as it is, it’s scarcity mindset, scarcity mindset in companies, scarcity mindset in leaders in said companies, they’re terrified that if so-and-so starts to actually brand these people to them and not to this overarching company. They’re nervous that if so-and-so decides to

Speaker 4:
Leave. They take

Speaker 1:
All those people, they take all those people, which that happens anyway. It happens anyways. It does happen anyways. But I found that the companies that are embracing it more, that’s where these people are going. So it’s like a shift in mindset.

Speaker 4:
They want to be able to build their business in a way that makes them proud of building a business. We don’t want to be those salesy, spammy people. That’s not who I wanted to be when I was messaging Gary. No, I felt like I need something from him. I didn’t need something from him, whether he enrolled or not, I was going to build a business, but it’s like this ackwards thing of, and it just feels gross. Yeah, totally. You say best acting.

Speaker 5:
She did. I was like,

Speaker 4:
Dan, was I the only one that heard

Speaker 5:

Speaker 4:

Speaker 5:
They said it on purpose. Oh, you did? Oh, totally. Just threw me off there. But

Speaker 4:
Anyways, yeah, you’re right.

Speaker 5:

Speaker 3:
Now let’s talk about marketing

Speaker 4:
The difference. I’m not

Speaker 3:
Bashing prospect. And if it’s done right, it worked for many people.

Speaker 5:
It’s working for you. It’s for people that have influence. It works

Speaker 4:
Well. It works if you put the person that you’re talking to first. Right Now, if somebody sends me a message, for instance, we can use this same example of me sending Gary, Hey, I need your number. And he messaged back and I’m like, I have this opportunity. I want to put in front of you. Again, super spammy, right? I didn’t ask Gary what he’s been up to for the last damn 20 years. It was just, what do I need? I mean, he was just in a place that it made sense for him. He was looking for to supplement it, and he’s a

Speaker 5:
Super nice guy and it’s like, I’ll humor you, right? So

Speaker 4:
It was okay, but I didn’t even ask him how he was. If he’s married, how many kids he has, 20 years later, 20 years later, it’s still all about me. Does that make sense? It just, I

Speaker 3:
Actually did exact same thing with one of my high school friends. I sent her friend request and then straightforward like, Hey, you will be really good at this thing. Come to the Zoom call tonight. She blocked me without saying anything.

Speaker 4:
Yeah, I have another funny story. You guys are going to die laughing and hopefully he does not see this ever.

Speaker 5:

Speaker 4:
My ex-boyfriend from high school, I sent him a message, Hey, I need your number. Okay, because that’s what I was doing. He’s like, okay, great.

Speaker 3:
Okay, disclaimer, everyone who got

Speaker 5:
This message, I need number

Speaker 4:
Anyway. So I talked to him for a little bit and I said, Hey, I’m doing this business. I’d like to put it in front of you. I upline and I are going to be in the city. Will you sit down and meet with us? And he’s like, sure. Right? So anyway, guess what happened? My upline totally ditched me that day because something came up for him and he didn’t do it on purpose. He wasn’t trained to be malicious or anything, but something happened. So here I am meeting my ex-boyfriend. I am now married to someone else.

Speaker 5:
And you’re meeting

Speaker 4:
Your old, yeah, and I’m meeting my ex-boyfriend that that’s not weird at all. Not weird

Speaker 5:
At all.

Speaker 4:
Not weird at all, right? So I meet him and we go to, I don’t know, it was marketplace. I don’t know what that place is called. Anyway, we’re at this place and we’re talking or whatever, and then my upline finally shows up, and then my upline leaves early out of the whole thing. So then walking out with my ex and he’s like, you better leave, or I’m going to throw you in this car and we’re going somewhere else. And I was like, okay, goodbye. So it was just all awkward. And the one thing I got out of that conversation with him was like, this is what he said to me. Come back and talk to me when you’re making $10,000 or more. And I was like, I’m not ever coming back.

Speaker 1:
I’m blocking you now.

Speaker 4:
That’s the kind of money stuff that I did to build my business. I

Speaker 1:
Put it in front of ex-boyfriends Witt, my husband put it in front of ex-girlfriends. And it’s awkward, right? It’s awkward because here’s the thing, I mean, don’t get me wrong, I wish the best for those people, of course. But they weren’t my perfect prospect. Some of the people, I mean, I wouldn’t have mind doing business with some of my ex-boyfriends. Were still friends, but to a point, not to that point. But with that said, it’s like there’s people that you want to do business with. They weren’t necessarily people I wanted to do business with,

Speaker 3:
And you were just trying to be coachable and do what your upline told you to do. So I did the same thing. I’m like, okay, I’m going to do it just because you told

Speaker 4:
Me to. I was supposed to

Speaker 3:
Do it and I didn’t know any better. So I hope everyone understand now what prospect

Speaker 4:
And chasing don’t call your ex-boyfriend.

Speaker 3:
Ironically, our industry is called network marketing, but we’re not really taught how to network properly, neither how to market. So when I first heard influence marketing and actually some of our students who went to college to learn marketing, tell us that that was never taught in school how influence marketing works, I think it’s because social media just kind of took off really fast in the last few years where all the academia didn’t even catch up, can’t

Speaker 4:
Catch up with it as fast as it

Speaker 3:
Didn’t land in the books yet. So even those people who have marketing degrees have no idea how to fully utilize influence marketing. So let’s talk about what influence marketing is. So I can get started and you guys kind of pick from there. So the first step is to understand who is already out there is actively looking for the solutions that are providing that you have, that you provided. They know where they have the problem and they have desire to solve it, and they’re already looking for those solutions.

Speaker 4:
Problem aware people

Speaker 1:
Are good. And to give a specific example of this, it’s like we talk about this with prospecting. We’re going after anybody and everybody with your skincare as the example. That seems to be the theme of what we’re talking about is skincare,

Speaker 4:
Right? That what Adrian was

Speaker 1:
In, there’s a big difference.

Speaker 4:
We’re not the eyelash serum, right?

Speaker 1:
Porcupine, eyelash serum. It’s going to be amazing. Make your Eyes Pot, right?

Speaker 4:
We’re going to make,

Speaker 1:
There’s a big difference between having a conversation with someone who doesn’t wash their face, doesn’t care about their skin, and somebody who’s actively looking for it is already spending

Speaker 3:
Money. Tell me more.

Speaker 1:
Tell me more. I am already spending money in this. I care about my skin, I care about those things. I already have an eight regimen thing like, oh, yours is only three. You’re going to save hi and it’s cheaper. It’s going to be cheaper money when

Speaker 6:
You, and it will actually help those fine lines and wrinkles, it will help the dark spots on my face. It

Speaker 4:
Will actually

Speaker 6:
Do the things that, the problems that I care about. It’s

Speaker 1:
A completely different conversation and those people are coming to you for it.

Speaker 6:
So when you can provide the value to those people and actually show them through your content that you can help them with whatever it is that they’re struggling with, they’re going to hold their hand up, they

Speaker 3:
Going to come to you,

Speaker 6:
You’re talking to their problems, you’re talking to the things that you know they’re struggling with. You figured out who they are, where they’re hanging out. You’ve started connecting with those people. You deliver the value to them that they are searching for, that they’re desperate for. Okay? They’re there, they’re holding their hand up. They want it. So

Speaker 3:
The cool part is if you do it correctly, what Fred said, are we talking about those people are going to come to you? They’re going to raise their hand and say, can you tell me more? Can you send me the link? I remember I even forgot someone to send the link over the weekend. You didn’t send me the

Speaker 4:
Link yet. I was like, oh my gosh. I think this is really key too, is that they have to know and trust you. If you think about somebody that tells you go buy X, Y, and Z and they’re one of your good friends and you’re like, oh my gosh, it’s amazing last serum or whatever, it works so great. You’re like, give me the link. How do I get it? What’s your affiliate? I get it right. Adrian had this experience not long ago. She started on this product and it’s working great for her. And all of us were kind of feeling like we needed this. We all bought it, we all bought it, we all bought it marketing, because we know her. We like her and we trust her and we know that she’s not going to steer us down.

Speaker 3:
She knew that we were interested in this particular area of

Speaker 4:
Whatever, and that Samely, Carrie started using a different mascara and she’s like, you guys we’re like, where do we get it? So it’s a relationship piece because when somebody that and trust says, Hey, I just watched this movie and it’s amazing they’re not getting paid for that. It’s free advertising, but you go watch the movie, you’re more likely to go watch it if someone told you. So I think that’s key in Influence Marketing is building that and trust with people. And on social media you can do that one to many, not one-to-one, which is the most important. You can’t reach the masses. You do one video about who you are, who you help serve, what you do, and thousands of people potentially can see that video and it stays there. Like Katt was saying in another video that we did about the video where you were in the funk and two years later that person’s like, holy crap, I watched that video. You did. It was all about the funk. And she’s like, that changed my life. Joined the team.

Speaker 3:
Two years later,

Speaker 4:
Video stays on there and it continues to do what it’s supposed to do and it collapses time. That’s how you build a bigger, bigger and bigger and bigger, bigger team with influence

Speaker 1:
For all of us. One thing that we’ve learned over the years is that if we focus heavy on the marketing, the selling is easy because you’re not selling at that point. At that point, you literally are having a conversation and seeing if that person is just a

Speaker 4:
Fit. It’s a buying conversation,

Speaker 1:
A buying conversation.

Speaker 4:
They come to buy and you come to buy because if they’re ready to enroll, maybe I don’t want you in my team. And

Speaker 1:
Guess what? It’s network marketing. You have to learn how to market

Speaker 4:

Speaker 6:
You need to market to those people. And that’s

Speaker 4:
Bottom. The

Speaker 3:
Problem is majority of people using the repelling marketing,

Speaker 4:

Speaker 6:
Dunno how to grow that network of the people who are actually searching for that.

Speaker 4:
And I think the number one problem, the reason they don’t know is because they’re taught to market to everyone. And if they just built an audience of people that are problem aware, like we talked about a few seconds ago, it will change your life, right?

Speaker 6:
It’s honing in on that one person. Because when you understand who the perfect person is for your skincare and you understand who they are, what they’re struggling with, how they’re feeling, and you can create content to them, you grow that network of that one person. There are thousands of them out there. And instead of having this lack mindset that, oh my goodness, if I only speak to that one person, I’m only going to enroll one person. No, there are thousands and thousands of people out there. But that’s how when you create that content, when you market to those people and you create that content that speaks to that one person, it resonates with

Speaker 4:
Them. And it works in any industry. It matter. Health and wellness, doesn’t matter what industry left leisure wear, I mean we could name ’em for hours and hours, but it works.

Speaker 3:
Funny, funny story. When I was using repellent marketing and back in the day when I was doing a bunch of home parties, so I had, I dunno, probably hundreds of people come through my house to those home parties. And so there’s a couple, they said no, like, oh yeah, that sounds cool, but it’s kind of like we’re doing something else right now. And they left. And then when I switched to doing Influence Marketing and instead posting value how and the benefits of this and the benefits of this and just valuable information for people without asking Plaster in my links, that exact same couple commented actually messaged me and said, Kat, can you tell us more? What are you doing now? It seems like something different

Speaker 4:
And so

Speaker 1:
Exciting. I’m like,

Speaker 3:
No, you’ve been to my home party. I’m still do exact same

Speaker 4:

Speaker 6:
So I have a funny story. So my first network marketing journey was all home parties. And when I decided, when I met Carrie and I decided to join Carrie, I had this one party. So my team fell apart, but I had this one party that was still booked and it was booked for two months down the line. And I’d already joined Carrie. I had stopped building that business and I contacted them. I said, look, she said, I really want you to come and do it. You’re funny and I’ve got all these people who are coming. Please come and do it. So I had no hidden agenda. I couldn’t care what I sold, I had, I was just going to go there and go and have fun, have

Speaker 2:
Fun, and serve the people,

Speaker 6:
And serve the people. I had my biggest party that night. I didn’t care because I just wanted to serve them. I was just giving them the value that I knew that they was searching for. And it was literally the biggest party I ever did in that company. And it was crazy.

Speaker 1:
Two months after she left

Speaker 6:
After, and it was like when you drop that hidden agenda, everybody comes with a hidden agenda. How can I get the sale? How can I get them to join me? We call

Speaker 1:
That commission breath, and it stinks. People can smell it a mile away.

Speaker 2:
So if you’re ready to ditch those spammy tactics and you’re ready to discover the secrets on how you can attract high quality prospects to you, check out our Social Recruiting Secrets course in the description below this video, and we will see you on the next episode.


Learn How To Grow Your Influence,
Reach More People, And Build A Successful Business And Brand Online By Following Our Simple 3 Step Influencer Formula

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Beach Boss Influencers

About the author

The Beaches (Adrian Lindeen, Brandy Shaver, Cari Higham, Fran Loubser, Kat Krasilnikov) offer coaching and mentorship to network marketers who are in the trenches building their businesses using social media right now. Our community is FUN, EXCITING, and focused on our students getting RESULTS; Enrolling customers, teammates, ranking up in their businesses, growing 6&7 figure teams. All without working 24/7 and still having time freedom and a life. 

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