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There in today’s episode, I’m gonna be talking about where to find the people. When you have feel like you have run out of people to talk to where on earth are all my perfect prospects hanging out. Uh, if we haven’t met before, my name is Fran Loha and I’m one of the co-founders of beach boss influences, uh, the incredible coaching community, where we coach and train network with marketers, home based business owners and entrepreneurs, how to build their businesses online, how to leverage the power of social media and how to build knowlike and trust and influence online so that you can stop chasing people and actually have people coming to you and stop feeling like a salesy weirdo. So one of the biggest, uh, problems that we see network marketers facing, and that, that people come to us all the time is that they have run out of people to talk to.
They have been told by they’re applied by some other experts on social media. They have been told that their family, their friends are their perfect prospects. And while when you first start out in business, that might bring you a couple of sales. Um, generally your family and friends are not your perfect prospects. They’re not looking for an opportunity. They’re not looking. They often don’t have that entrepreneurial drive. Um, and they’re just supporting you just to be friendly and just to be nice and just to give you a helping hand, but when it comes to building a business for the long haul, you want to find more people like you. You want to find more people who have that entrepreneurial drive. You wanna find more people who have the get up and go who have what it takes to build a business and stick with it for the long haul, until that success comes and often friends and family might do it for a little bit and then think, oh, this is hard.
This takes a lot of work, um, and will quit. And right now you might also be facing a ton of rejection because you are still speaking to your friends and family, because you might be taught to go to your, you know, to prospect friends, um, to prospect people on Facebook, um, and just send them your link. Just send them your opportunity because everybody is your prospect and everybody needs your product. And I want dispel that myth straightaway because nothing can be further from the truth. Although perhaps if you’re in skincare, yes, everybody has skin, but not everybody is looking to turn back the clock. Not everybody is looking for the Botox in a bottle. Some people are quite happy not wearing any maker. Some people are quite happy embracing all their lines and wrinkles, and they couldn’t care if they look old before their time. So you wanna be speaking to those people who are actually actively looking for your products and actually actively looking for your opportunity. So, you know, speaking to your friends and family, um, as I said, might work for the short haul, might work at the beginning, but it is not a good long term process. So in today’s episode, I’m gonna be talking about three things that you need to be think about, um, when you have run out of your perfect, when you run out of people to talk to three things that you need to think about to actually find your perfect prospects online, because they are there and they’re not hiding, they are there so long as you know where to find them.
So the first thing that you need to think about and that you need to understand is who is your perfect prospect, who is that person who is looking for your product, who is that person who is looking for opportunity, who is that person who is desperately desperately looking for something to replace their replace, their full time income, desperately looking for a sign gig, desperately looking for something so that they can have more time with their kids or desperately looking for your product so that maybe they can lose the weight that they’ve gained, or maybe, you know, through pregnancy, or maybe they can, you know, um, turn back the clock on their skin and actually look younger, um, than, than they, than they feel or look, you know, look younger than their, than their years instead of old than their years. Um, or perhaps they might be, you know, if you’re in the financial industry, they might be, you know, somebody who is desperately trying to get a loan, but their credit score is so bad that they can’t get a, a loan and they need help fixing their credit score.
Okay. Your perfect prospects are there. You just need to understand who they are. Okay. So number one is just remember that not everybody is looking for your product, not everybody’s looking for opportunity. Okay. So when you understand exactly who your perfect prospect is, and this is going really diving really deep into who they are, okay. Understanding that it is not somebody of an age range of 20 to 60, okay. Or 25 to 55, but that it is one person. Because when you speak to one person, when you put your message out to one person, your message will reach thousands. And I want you to think about, have you ever read a post or watched a live or read something, even read a, a magazine article and thought, oh my goodness, they’re in my head. They understand exactly what I’m going through because this is marketing 1 0 1.
When you know how to market to your, to your prospects and you understand marketing 1 0 1 is number one, understanding who is looking for your products. Um, and when you understand who that person is exactly who they are, how old they are, what their life looks like, what they like to do for fun. And what’s keeping them awake at night, then you know what content to put out there in front of them. Okay. So this is, that’s. The first thing is understanding who this person is. Cause when you speak to one person, you speak to thousands. If you try and speak to everyone, your message will land on deaf ears. Nobody will hear it. Okay. So the first thing is understanding who your perfect prospect is. The second thing is once you understand who they are, you will know who they’re following. You will know what groups they’re going to, what gurus they’re following, looking for the solutions that they’re searching for.
So whether it is your products, and maybe they’re looking for skincare that is going to turn back the clock, which groups might they be in looking for help to, you know, anti-aging skincare tips, or if it is weight loss, where might they, who might they be following? Or what groups might they be hanging out in to help them lose weight, wait financial services. Or if you, you know, if you, if you, um, you know, looking for somebody, who’s looking to build a side gig, where might they be hanging out, or maybe they’re trying to build a side gig and they’re struggling. So what gurus are they following to help them figure out how to build their side gig online? So that is the second thing is, is, is once you know who they are and you know who they’re following and you know what books they’re reading, you know, what, what, you know, what gurus they’re, they’re following, you know, what podcasts they’re listening to, you know exactly where they’re searching for the solution. You will know where they’re hanging out. Okay. So you can make a list of the groups and you can Google search it, do a Google search as well, searching for, you know, gurus who help people lose weight or, or anti-aging gurus or makeup artists. If you’re in makeup or, um, financial gurus in search Facebook groups as well, financial gurus, um, or maybe credit score groups, uh, groups, you know, to, to, uh, improve your credit score. Okay.
You know, these people are there. They’re searching for your solution. Okay.
Now, please, please, don’t go into these groups and prospect them. Don’t go into these groups and drop your links. Don’t go into these groups. Um, and, um, start sending people, you know, start talking about your amazing products or your amazing opportunity. This is simply where these people are hanging out. Okay? And the point of connecting with people in these groups is to bring, bring these people into your ecosystem, to bring these people into your world so they can get to know you so that they can see your content so that they can, they can see and get to know you. And you can build that know like, and trust and build that influence over them. Okay? Once you understand who these people are, where they’re hanging out, and you understand what is keeping Susie or Bob or whoever it is awake at night, you understand what their problem is.
You know what content to put in front of them. And this way you build an ecosystem, okay? You understand who they are. You connect with these people and you bring them into your world and you put the content in front of them. That is going to help them where they are at now, okay? This way you are building that no like, and trust you become that person that they’re going to keep turning to for help you become that person that, that they’re going to hit follow. You become that person that they’re going to keep coming to when they they’re gonna hit notify first. So that when you go live, when you put a post out, when you, whenever you put anything out on social media, they’re going to be hanging on your, every word because you are delivering the, the solutions to the problems that they are, that they are experiencing.
Okay. So I would love to hear what is landing with you. I would love to hear what is making sense here. Okay. And the very best way that we can help you. I and my fellow beach boss influences can help you right now is I have just given you a little sneak peek into a fraction of the value that we are going to be teaching at our next level workshop, which is happening on June 16th to 18th, um, and is happening virtually. So if you want to get clear, get crystal clear on understanding how to, you know, how to who your avatar is, how to create incredible content. That’s actually gonna speak to them, okay. Where exactly where to find these people. Okay. Um, and how to, and how to build influence, and how to then connect with them in a way that doesn’t feel salesy in a way that doesn’t feel spammy in a way that doesn’t feel, um, make you feel like a, like a used car salesman, then you’re gonna wanna, you’re gonna wanna click the link to, um, to our next level workshop virtual.
Okay. You will find the link above or below this video, wherever you’re watching this, but go and grab that link. The seats are limited. Okay. Grab that link and show up for yourself and your business and your future. Okay. And take your business to the next level, because we are going to be sharing with you the exact six figure roadmap that not only our students are getting results with, but that we have tested and proven to work. I lead a big team in my network marketing business. We all do. And what we teach is we are teaching from experience. We are in the changes, actually building our businesses right now. So we are not teaching from, from theory. We are teaching facts. We’re teaching what is working right now. So grab the link to the workshop. You’ll find it above or below this video. And we look excited to see you there and help you take your business to the next level. See you again soon. Thanks for joining me. Bye bye.
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