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Hello and welcome to today’s episode. We are so excited to have a special guest on here with us, one of our seven figure influencer students, Lori Najar. We are so pumped for the value that we’re gonna be bringing you, and in case we’re meeting for the first time, my name’s Carrie Hiam. This is Fran Laure next to me. And we are two of the beaches here at Beach Boss Influencers. And at Beach Boss what we do is we help people network marketers, specifically like you make more money in less time leveraging automation and social media. And so today we have special guests. Lori. Hello Lori. We’re so excited
You’re here. I’m so excited to be here.
Yeah, welcome, welcome. So, Lori, tell our listeners, our viewers, cuz like we said, this is gonna be kind of sent out everywhere, so. Sure. You know, tell us a little bit about you and you know, a little bit about your background before network marketing.
Oh, okay. Well, my name is Lori Nier. Uh, I live in Virginia and, um, I love it here. My background before network marketing, I was a Black Hawk instructor pilot. I served, uh, 20 years in the military. And then, uh, I retired and I’ve actually been retired longer than I was in. So, um, and then once I retired, I raised, uh, my two beautiful daughters and now they’re grown and they’re off the payroll. So, um, I had gotten into real estate probably about five or six years ago, and I really had no intention of getting back into network marketing. I had done several different companies, um, and then one just kind of fell into my lap recently and I was like, all right, maybe I’ll try again. Um, so yeah, so I’ve been with my current company for about two, almost two years now.
Awesome. So, I mean, you’ve been, how long have you been with Beach Boss now? Cuz I know that you’ve been a student bar. Barely
A year. Barely,
Barely a Year. This is, I just renewed, so like yeah. So the end of March is when I started last year.
Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, before Beach Boss, before, you know, kind of learning some of the things that we’re gonna be diving into during this episode, you know, what were some of those biggest challenges that you were facing inside your network marketing business?
Uh, okay. So one of the biggest frustrations I had was using lists. And I had this stack of lists on my desks that, you know, you know, my war market, my cold market mm-hmm. , my chicken list, my, you know, and, um, I just, I could not get consistent with them and I would skip over names and I felt like I was hitting the same people over and over again. And, uh, that it just made me feel gross. I didn’t, I didn’t like it. Um, it worked out fine maybe for about the first 30 days cuz you know, your warm market is like super excited to help you, but then after that you’re like, um, hey, over there, you know? And it didn’t matter what script I used, like, I just, it just didn’t come across genuine. Um, so initially when I joined, I had some good growth, I had some good recruiting, but then that kind of fizzled away. And then I was left with like my same list that I wasn’t progressing on and, um, feeling a little bit less than, you know, seeing Yeah. Some of the other leaders in my organization that were just growing and growing and I, I don’t know, I don’t know what they’re doing differently with their list, but it just wasn’t working for me and I needed something different, so mm-hmm. ,
When you were talking, uh, I, I was thinking about, so it took me six months to sign up. My very first person, customer-wise, my first customer that I ever got was my grandma. My grandma. Like, she had known that I was like trying to build this network marketing thing. It was my grandma that was like, yes, you know, I’ll, I’ll buy it. And I remember it was probably two months later, she like wasn’t wanting to take the product anymore. Right. Because, I mean, she’s my grandma, she didn’t have a lot of money. Right. She’s living on social security and different things like that. And I remember like how sick I felt when my grandma was kind of telling me that she couldn’t afford the product like she needed and like she felt awful. Mm. Right. And how many,
Yeah. How many people listening, like, have been in that situation, right? Yeah.
You’re so excited to sign someone up and you think that they’re, you know, loving it and jiving it when really, like, it might be a financial strain for them or maybe the product. I mean, because products, people’s physiologies are all different. Maybe the product isn’t working for them. Like, you know, they thought it would and, and they don’t like confrontation to come and say, Hey, I don’t think that I can take this anymore. And like, it just kind of puts it like was for someone who’s brand new in business, for me that was like gut-wrenching to know that I, like my grandma of all people was the one that supported me and she did it like on her last dimes. Oh. That she had
Yeah. I think what’s frustrating too is I recently was talking to another friend that’s looking at diving in and she was mentioning a mutual friend of ours that joined me probably about a year ago, but she did absolutely nothing with the business. And she was having a conversation with her and she says, well, I joined to help Lori out. And I’m like, oh, love of God, you, you’re joining for the wrong reason. this is, you’re a business. Right. So, you know, like I, and, and I don’t recall having a conversation with her saying, Hey, I need your drummy so I can earn X, Y, and Z because I wouldn’t do that. I’m trying to Yeah.
Have quality people on my team that wanna do a business, so mm-hmm. .
Yep. Did it cause she maybe out of obligation, she loves you. Right? She loves you. And maybe she felt that obligation, like, well, I wanna support her and well,
Yeah, it’s a pretty hefty investment though, to go . It’s not like we have a $50 sign up, like it’s investment. So anyway, yes. Neither here nor thereby, but,
Uh, I would love to know if anybody else has had people like that. You know, I have a friend that I enrolled when I first, and in fact, the first two years I built all, I chased my friends and family, I did all the things. And about five years after I stopped doing that, um, my husband bumped into this friend of mine’s husband and he said, no, um, she doesn’t wanna work for Fran anymore. She thought she was working for me. And she said, and I have all this product that, that I was supposed to buy that I still have, you know, these cupboards, fulls of product. And I just thought like she, she didn’t get, she thought she was, again, she thought she was helping me and she was working for me. Yeah. And I was there. Yeah. So, and you
Can’t sustain your business like that, right? No. Like, if you more market are just doing that just to support you, they’re going to, you know, at their year they’re gonna leave. Right. And so you need people that are joining you for the right re for the right reasons, you know, so
Yeah. And they’re gonna feel the same frustration that, you know, that we all felt when we invested and then saw nothing, saw no results. Yeah. So, and maybe had capitals of pro product. So
, Yeah.
I always tell people, yes, it sucks not to sign someone up, but it’s worse to sign someone up and have them quit, you know, a couple months later. I really don’t wanna be there. Yeah.
Yeah. So, you know, tell us a little bit about that. Like, okay, so you’re, you’re, you have your business that you’re going, you have people that are kind of joining not for the right reasons. Like, you know, and maybe they’re doing it with pure intentions, right? They’re, they love you, they wanna join you, but what is that feeling like? And everybody, I want you to think about this as well. What does that feel like when someone quits, right? Like yeah. Well, I, I think as, as leaders, sometimes we just have the tendency to take that on ourselves too. What did I do wrong? Where did I fail them? Where did I not train them or motivate them? Or, you know, I, maybe other people don’t feel like that, but I certainly do. I’m like, what could I have done better? Or as we say, beach boss, what might you have done to have retained that person better? But, um, I think we need to keep in mind, you know, they’re in business for themselves, maybe not by themselves or they’re support them, but if they leave, that’s their decision to leave, you know? Mm-hmm. , it may not, you may not be able to do anything to keep them there. And if you have to drag them to keep them there, then maybe they need to go to a different pasture anyway. Right. .
So, and I wanna bring up Laurie, you know, you said, you know, do, did I not motivate them enough? And do you feel like you really can motivate your team? You know, is it up to you to motivate them?
Well, so, I mean, coming from military background, I, I have a completely different view and a feel to my team that I think some other people do, right? So, absolutely. In the military it was always, you’re only as strong as your weakest link, right? So that whole 80 20 rule is like out the window. We would focus on our 80% because our 20% are good to go. Right? So it’s a different, it’s a different vibe in network marketing cuz you’re focusing on your producers. And if the other 80% want your attention, then they need to step it up and, and get with it. So, um, I’m still having a challenge flipping that mentality. Mm-hmm. , I can’t force someone to be motivated, but like, I do try to incentivize and encourage, but I have found too that sometimes that does absolutely nothing. And I’ve put some good incentives out there too, and I was like, wow, I wish, I wish someone, my upper leaders would do this cuz I’d do it all over it. Right. I through a wall for a pencil. Right. , like out there, you know? So, um, yeah. I I, yeah. It just like, you can’t force anyone to be happy Right. They’ve gotta make that decision Yeah. To get up in the morning and to, to do the things, you know.
Yep. Well I love that you brought that up because when it does come to the military, you know, you do have a completely different, a completely different mindset when it comes to having an organization compared to, you know, this mindset flip that you’re kind of having to have. And it’s, I think that it can be a strength, right? Like it absolutely can be a strength, but for a leader who has an organiz, so I guess, you know, network marketing is more of a volunteer army and people in the military, they do volunteer, but they’re also paid for it. Like it’s a job they’re beat. Like if they don’t,
And if they don’t, you know, if they don’t perform, then it could be life or death. Yeah. You know, it’s
It’s, you know, it’s, well and it also reflects on their rank. They won’t promote or like there’s some other, you know, things there. But, um, yeah.
And I think yeah, with network marketing, because people get in, they have a job, right? They have a job, most of them have a job or their spouse has a job or they have money coming in from somewhere. Sure. They catch a vision to maybe have a different life, but they don’t understand the iron that they’re gonna have to walk through
Sure. To
Really build it. And when it gets hard, a lot of people quit. So, you know, as a leader, how, I guess not so much how do, how do you feel like you motivate people, but what can you do instead? Like what is that thing that you can do instead to kind of, so that people stick around longer? What is it some of the things that you’re doing in your organization right now?
Uh, well, I mean one of the things that I’ve done is I’ve automated a lot of things, right? So like, like I have a team page and soon as they’re into the team, they get launched on the guides and they can, you know, I’m giving them good, clear direction. And I think that is essential because otherwise they’re grasping at straws. They don’t, you know, they don’t know what direction to go in and I don’t know, have having that roadmap, if you will, for them to go step one, step two, step three and, and doing that and showing them ways that they can save time, um, and get the time freedom that they thought that they signed up for. Right? Yeah. Because that’s the big thing that we hear, you know, network marketing, time freedom and, and all that. And you can find that it can be a huge time suck if you don’t do the right things and, and get things in order. So, um, I mean I have some things that I’ve created my own DMO is for my team and, um, and stuff like that to keep them on track so that they see success faster. So,
And having this set up, Laurie, having this automation set up and the team system set up, what has that done for you as a leader?
Huge time. Yeah. Huge. Um, I mean some of the systems that Beach Boss provided, um, hey, I don’t know if I’m supposed to mention them or not, but, um, uh, lead Magic, I’m a huge fan. Like that is my favorite tool. And um, I mean at a click or the button be able to send 40, 50, 60 instant messages, , come on now. Like that is amazing. Um, and I use that, uh, not so much on the recruiting side, but I use it for my customer base. Like we just had some new products that just came out and I was able to like, Hey Jane, I’m so excited to let you know that we just had this new flavor come out and it’s awesome, right? And then boom, it’s gone. And so while that’s sending, I can do something else and not having a copy paste, copy paste, copy paste, copy paste, and then Facebook at Mad and shut me down. , all that is amazing. And I also use that for my, um, my customer blitz that I do every month and keep that nice and organized. So, um, yeah, that’s, I don’t know if I went off on a tangent, but that’s definitely my favorite, um, system.
Yeah. Not a tangent at all. These are some of the things that we’re talking about, right? Yeah,
Yeah, yeah. I mean, that, that is gold. Yeah. I mean that is total goal. Like I was happy that when I signed up again that I got that for this year. Cuz I mean, I probably would’ve bought it, truth be told, but like, I love it. It’s, yeah, , I recommend it to everybody all the time. I mean, with people outside of Beach Boss, everything. I’m like, you’ve gotta get this. It’s, it’s just ridiculous for you not to, you know,
So Yeah. So what’s kind of the flip? So, I mean, you know, you were before Beach Boss before putting some of these systems in, processes in place. Yes. You know, you were struggling, you kind of had some of these big challenges that we talked about before that you were going through. Sure. Now like, what are some, and I don’t mean to steal Fran’s questions, but what are some of those breakthroughs? What is, what is like your day DMO look like now every day, you know, what are some of the wins that you’ve
Been seeing? Yeah, so some of the wins is, uh, well, I, I mean I like a ads running now, right? So now I’m getting, leads are coming in on a consistent basis. So people coming to me, rather than me going down that God awful list and wondering who’s gonna say no to me, right? Like, so people are pre-qualifying themself as they’re coming in. So that’s huge. People that I wanna talk to wanna talk to me. So that’s, that’s real nice. But my dmo, which used to take me at least about two hours to do, is cut down like in half because a lot of the stuff is now automated. Like simple things like birthday messages. I used to go in, look up the Facebook messages, and some days I’d might have one person, I had a birthday, but some days I would have 10. So here I am individually going into them doing their message and doing, and that can be a huge time suck, but with Lead Magics it does it for you. And I have some pre-made messages and it’s amazing. So, um, time, getting time, I mean, we all have the same 24 hours in a day, right? So to best utilize them to free up other parts of my life, um, I I just love it.
So what are some of those other pieces of your life that you now have time for that you didn’t before?
Oh, well now, I mean, I have a personal trainer now, now I, I, I whine and complain about it all the time on Facebook. I actually call him the Warden and, um, but like, I have time, what’s that? My, my prison training? Yes. Psychotic. Yeah. I posted again today. I broke out of prison for three weeks, but now I’m back in there. Yeah. Um, so I have time to put that into my life again. I, you know, I have that prior day on and I’ve always had pretty much a lot of flexibility to travel. But now I can do that without, at least if I’m doing a DMO and I’m on a travel, I’m not taking so much away from like my vacations or whatever as a realtor, I work from home too. So, you know, I have to wear a couple of different hats. But I am now gonna try to learn the skills I learned from my direct sales business and switch that over to the realtor side of it too. Right. So, I mean, the training that I have gotten, the skills that I have learned is endless. I mean, I’m thinking, oh, I can build a funnel for this and I can build a funnel for that. Like, it’s just, it’s amazing
. Yeah. Well, and that’s one thing that I love about what we teach. I mean, I have other things that I work on right outside of Beach Bus where it’s all because of the marketing that you learn, right? Marketing, once you understand marketing, once you understand how to attract people to you, I mean, those are skillsets that can be
You know, it’s, it’s not just one industry focus. Like, uh, what’s the word that I’m looking for? What’s the word I’m looking
For? It,
It can go anywhere, right? You can use,
It applies business in general. You know, the thing like, like when we teach you how to, how to, how to figure out who, what your avatar is.
Sure. You any a any major company, they know who they’re, they know who their perfect people are. They know who their perfect customers are. Right. Um, so yeah. So how does this,
Go ahead, sorry.
Well, no, was to train my downline. Like, I just came back from a convention and they had a couple of downline with me and we had some, um, we had a few hours just to, um, do some things and to be able to take those skills and then pass them on to them, you know, and say, look, there’s such an easier way for you to do this if you’ll just take a look at this. And, and it’s challenging, right? Because we come out of session and all they’re talking about is making lists and doing this and doing that. And I’m just like,
And so is your, do you find that your downline is, is stunning to implement, you know, what you’ve learned in in Beach Boss,
Some of the things, right? So, uh, just getting them to get consistent on a dmo and especially with like social media posting and stuff like that, and doing, uh, things that are, uh, posts and questions that attract people, um, rather than repel them. Like, don’t put the product all over your page a hundred times a day. Stop that. You know? So, um, and I still see people doing it, but then I look at some of my upper leaders and I tell them this, I said, go look at their stories. Go look at their page. Do you see that all over theirs? No, you don’t. So I mean, do what successful people do, right? Mm-hmm. . So, yeah.
Yeah. Well, and I think that with a lot of people, where the confusion comes from is, is influence, right? Because there are people that are successful in network marketing doing some of the stuff that, I mean, they’re teaching it to their teams, you know, like, well, we’re gonna go and we’re gonna DM people, we’re gonna post our products all over our pages, we’re gonna do this. But if you have influence, it’s gonna work for you.
Of course, right?
Yeah. Right. I mean, if you,
98% of us don’t have that. Exactly. You know?
Exactly. And so when you know me, especially, like I hadn’t, I mean, it took me six months to enroll my first person, right? Like mm-hmm. , I was doing everything wrong. And I mean, I had a lot of friends, but I didn’t have influence over those friends, right. They liked me, we hang out, but they don’t wanna do business with me. Right. And that’s where the majority of people fall. So we need to put systems and processes in place for those people so that those people know what they need to do, help them identify the small wins so that they stick around longer to actually start to get some of the big wins.
Right. Absolutely.
Yep. And do you find, I mean, you’ve set up, you’ve set up these systems and processes for, I say processes, you say processes, pro systems and processes for
for your team. Yes. Um, you know, and how does it make you feel when, when they start plugging into it, when they start, you know, seeing, seeing the little wins?
Yeah. It, it’s a, for me, it’s awesome cuz I’m not doing the same job over 50 times. Right? Like, not that I’ve had 50 people come in this week, I’m exaggerating. But it’s just, it’s nice to know that the system is in place and they can add a self pace work through that. I’m not, not that I don’t wanna help them, but there’s gonna be a point to scale where I’m gone to not have enough time mm-hmm. to handle the, the amount of people that are joining the team. I mean, I need them to be trained, but there’s, you know, only so many hours a day, only so much of me. And, you know, um, and I want it to be consistent too, right? I want them to all follow the same path. You know, one day if I was just doing it all willy-nilly, I might forget a huge piece of something and now it’s all, it’s a, a plan and a roadmap.
Yep. I had a, I had a mentor of mine once say, you know, people can’t be duplicated, right? I mean, if you take a look at your, you know, your background, Fran’s background, my background, you know, we we’re all different. We have different skills, we’ve got different superpowers as I like to say, right? We’re good at different things. And when people come in, they take a look at Lori and they’re like, oh, I can’t be successful because, you know, Lori, she has a military background, she’s disciplined, she, you know, she has, this is the reason that Lori’s been able to find success, it’s not gonna work for me. Right. However, so p people can’t really be duplicated. Like, you want to lean into the things that have made you successful because it’s your strengths that will help you be successful in multiple, you know, wherever you go. But systems and processes can be, so it’s like how do we take and create a system or a process that anybody can follow, they do X, they’re gonna get the result of y you know, and, and it works time and time again, you can add your own flare. You can be free to be yourself and to, you know, lean into the super p powers that you have and still the duplication happens,
Right? Right.
Yep. We’re not trying to create
Robots, having, having that duplication system in place, right? Like they can see themselves maybe doing that down the road, right? Like, oh, well when I grow a team I can have my own team page and all I have to do is I can I, I tell everybody, steal it all. I don’t, I don’t care. And then they can do that and they can see themselves in that leadership role with that system in place. I remember when I was, um, in another company selling another product and I would do these elaborate displays at these, um, home parties. Yeah. And I was so proud of them cuz they had levels and they had this, and they that, and I’m toting like, all this product in so that people can have product when they leave that day. And, um, I just wasn’t growing. And I had a leader tell me one time, she’s like, you’re, she’s like, you’re defeating your own recruiting efforts.
I’m like, what do you mean? Well look at my display. It’s beautiful. She’s like, yeah. Because people say I can’t do that. I can’t, I can’t make it look as pretty as that. And I, I don’t wanna carry all that around. And once I scaled it down and made it simple things got on fire again. Right? So, so the same holds true with this training that we have and, you know, this roadmap it with, you know, even you guys, the beach Boss roadmap, it’s simple. Go to a then go to B, then go to C. Like you couldn’t make it any dang easier to understand. I mean, , it’s, it’s, it’s a, a wonderful system. I mean I loved it. And, and one thing I’m just gonna throw a little another thing out to you guys for your trainings. I love that you kept your videos nice and short, right? You might, you know, you might have five videos in one section, but they were short enough to where it kept my attention to where I was. I didn’t click on it. I go, oh God, this is 30 minutes long. Like, I mean, I was like, oh, it’s 10 minutes, I can do 10 minutes, right? And then next time I was like, oh, I’ll do another 10 minutes. So bravo to you for doing it that way cuz I thought it was really good.
We’re trying to deal with squirrels, , . We’re hurting cats in those videos, .
Yeah, it’s true though.
But also, you know, it’s the same applies then when you create the system for your team is keep it simple. Keep it short. Yeah. Keep it durable that anybody thinks that they can do it. But the beauty, I’m gonna say that the beauty that, you know, what you, what you have achieved with setting up your system is it identifies those leaders, identify those people who deserve your time. So people come in and some people will come in and that’s, this is the nature of network marketing is, you know, some will come in and do nothing, you know? Yeah. And they may just be your best customer,
Right? Right. And
By every month, and they’re putting volume in your business every month, but they actually never do anything. Yeah. But you, you wanna identify those people who truly deserve your time. Um, but
Don’t you say sometimes like I have, I have a, a team member and, um, and she actually went to convention with me and I know that if she just changed a few things and how she does it, she would do so well. And I think sometimes people play safe for a number of reasons. Either they’re afraid to step in the, they’re afraid of success, afraid of stepping into that leadership role. Um, or they’re just, they just, they’re just scared. Period. It has nothing to do with the leadership role. They just, I don’t know what it is. And it’s, and I’m trying to make this person blossom. I’m like, I mean, I, I see the vision, I know what you can do, but again, it’s gotta be their step forward, right? Mm-hmm. ,
Yeah. Yeah.
Most people, it takes them getting to that point where the fear of staying where they’re at outweighs the fear of whatever is holding them back. Yeah. You know, for me, I mean, I was shown network marketing for the very first time six months prior to when I actually joined, ended up joining that company. Yeah. And, you know, and it was, I was shown by the same people. Like it was, uh, my husband’s mother and Brandy Shaver, who’s another one of the beaches, um, here in Bebo’s influencers. And when they first came and showed me, you know, this, I had just had a brand new baby. Mm. My husband was making good money. Like I had my nail salon in my house. And it wasn’t until six months later that my circumstances had completely changed. And that was when it was like the fear of staying where we were at Yeah. Outweighed the, the fears that I had to actually start to grow
This. There was a quote I heard at convention, I wanted to bring it up and it said, um, when the should becomes a must, that’s when change mm-hmm. and I, I thought that was pretty impactful, right? Like, I should do this, you know, blah, blah, blah. But when it comes to, oh, I must do this or else I’m not gonna be able to pay a light bill, or I must do this, you know, if I want my kid to go to dance lessons or something like that, that’s when the change happens. So,
Yep. So we just love on people. Right. We love on the ones that aren’t quite to that must yet. Yeah. You know, we continue to love on them and
Well, and they’re loyal too, right? Yeah. So, I mean, I’ll take loyalty over fakeness any day, right. That I think, and that’s, and maybe you guys are the same, but again, coming from the military, you know, loyalty, integrity, everything. I mean, just, if you’re gonna be loyal to me, that means just be honest with me too, right. If this isn’t for you and you need to go, hey, God bless you, you know, happy trails, but don’t stay for the wrong reasons. Right?
Yeah. And that’s where the beauty of lead, lead magic comes in as well, is that you can stay in touch with them. You don’t have to be, you know, you can just make sure that you, that you’re in touch with them every month, you know? Yeah. That know, letting them know that you’re there for them, right. Without spending a ton of time trying to motivate them, trying to get them going, trying to help them find that must.
Yeah. And, you know, with Lead Magics to the, uh, the birthday strategy that’s opened up more conversations, it’s wonderful because e and well, I’ll, first to admit, even when it came to do the birthday messages, I was a little bit selective. I was like, uh, they probably don’t wanna hear from me anyway, and I might not send them a birthday message, but like with Leave Magic, there’s no option , they’re getting it. They
Just go out .
Right. So, yeah, and it’s been kind of neat, you know, um, it’s mostly been like old high school friends and stuff, but it’s been kind of neat to open up those kind and you never know where they’re gonna lead, right? So, yeah,
Absolutely. Absolutely. So I guess, you know what, if you could leave us like leave the listeners, leave our viewers with one big piece of advice, what would that be?
Uh, well, I would definitely say g know one of your programs .
Um, I, I mean, um, I, I joined off an ad. I saw an ad for, I don’t know if it was social recruiting secrets or which one it was. Um, and I was very skeptical and, um, I, when I had the, the call about, you know, which program to go, I, it was, it was a difficult decision for me to, to step up into the seven figure. But I knew I had the, um, I knew the Academy probably wasn’t a right choice for me because of just the background that I had had and the experience that I had. And it was a lot to chew, but I don’t regret it for a single second. I, when I tell people that I have three coaching calls a week, , I have six different coaches, a tech person, you know, a branding person, all that, that is invaluable.
You know, at this last, um, convention that I was at, some people talk about, oh, I wanna do, you know, a training by another person or this other person. And I’m like, mm-hmm , how many people do you think are gonna be in that room when you’re doing that training on that Zoom 30, 40, 60 maybe. I said, I have the direct attention of these coaches. And I said, there’s like, at most I’ve seen maybe 12 people in a room. And I said, and if you can’t be there, it’s okay. You submit your question, they will answer it and you can watch the replay. I said, not for once, do I not feel noticed, known, attended to. Like, it has been the best investment ever. And, um, I felt like my, my hand has been held when it needed to be held, but then when it was time for me just to, to do the work, yeah.
I was like, give a kick in the butt when I came back, you know, I mean, I had, I had a tough time. I lost my mom in September. Like that knocked me out for two months. Yeah. You know, but then once I got back, it was like, Hey, rah, good for you. You did it. And then that propelled me forward. And I swear, like the last bit of building my funnel all came at once. It just bing, bing bang came and then ads went, and now ads are running, and now I’m looking at doing the, the license funnel. But, um, and, and then coming to the event was incredible too. That it was like a religious experience. I mean, it was , so touching, I mean, out the gate I was like, okay, where’s the Kleenex? Like, I mean, Carrie’s going deep, like she’s no, no hole and back.
Um, and the, and the community that we have in Seven Figure is incredible. I mean, there’s a lot of side conversations that go on outside of the group and they’re all lovely. I mean, like, I’ve made so many good friends and we cheer for each other. And where are you stuck? And accountability wise, the accountability too is a whole nother thing too, because there’s no, there’s no nonsense when you go to your call and it’s like, well, and this is some time ago, but like, if we were doing branding on the first week of June and now it’s August 1st and you haven’t figured your finished your branding, I mean, you may held accountable to it. It’s like, well, what do you, what’s holding you back? What do you, come on? Yeah. And for me, I, my feeling was that I’ve paid for this year. I’ve got to get this done in this year because I, I don’t wanna run out of time before I’ve learned everything.
And I think that’s what put the fire under me about month nine into it. I’m like, I’ve gotta get this, I’ve gotta understand this before I leave. Of course, then I renewed anyway cuz I’m like, I can’t leave them too . I’m here too. You know? So, um, I would just say it puts your fears aside. Take the leap. You will definitely not regret it because the skillset that you will learn in this, it’s gonna take you years to learn it and tons of money to learn it from somebody else. And you probably won’t get the same results. So it’s just, they know exactly what they’re doing. They will love on you like you can imagine. So don’t hesitate. Just jump in and do it. That would be my biggest advice.
I love it. I love it. I’m like, I don’t even have anything else to say. , no. Mic drop.
Yeah. I love that, that you mm-hmm. , you, we are so passionate about each and every one of our students and making sure that they see success, that we will do whatever it takes, figure everything out, you know? Right. Make making sure we, yes, we will give you a kick in the butt when, when you need it. We will push you when you need it, but also make sure that you know that you are loved, that you’re supported, that you’re in a safe place. Right. Um, but it is our passion. It truly is our passion. And I’m,
And it’s a whole package. It’s not just, it’s not just the coaching. Right. Let’s talk about the tech side of it too, right. Chris and Esther and, and Ben, I mean, for real. I mean, you get these one, one-on-one tech calls and they’ll, they’ll guide you through it and you, you’ll be sharing your screen and they will make sure that your funnel is perfect, that everything’s firing correctly and everything. But if you can’t do it, they’ll be like, okay, just hold on a second. They take over and they fixed it for you. There was something I had going on in my, um, my sequences from my emails and Esther talked to Ben and Ben behind the scenes, went in and fixed it all without me even knowing. And then I talked to Esther, she’s like, oh yeah, Ben took care of all of that.
And I’m like, so it’s not just getting coached on how to be successful in the steps to do it. I mean, to have that tech package in there too and to have that safety net because not everyone is like super tech savvy and you can get the majority of people art right. To, to build this funnel. But there’s a lot to it. And I know you have the branded funnel, I’m one of the OG people, but like mm-hmm. still, there’s a lot to that too. And understanding how everything correlates with the other, how you have to have the opt-in and you have to have the thank you page and where the pixels go and all that. I thought I was pretty tech savvy. I’m in a completely different world. When I came over here, I was like, what’s a Pixel? Like
The Pixel to me is a part of a pitcher, right? Not mm-hmm. not what it’s used for. So, um, I mean, to get that and now that you guys have the branded funnel, oh God bless America. That’s amazing though. I’m grateful for coming in when I did because I learned how to do it the other way. Um, and having, you know, um, the way I have my sales page and everything, I’m, I’m, it was tough going through that and having to create everything, but I’m glad I learned how to do that. But the way you have it now, where they just walk right on in and I, that’s incredible. I really is. I mean, um, yeah. Bravo, fa Cree in that. I’m getting ready to start on it too. So.
Perfect. Two, awesome. You’ll have two,
Two, actually I have three cuz I made one from my Jeep. You made one, you made your own one too. I know. Oh yeah. I made my Jeep one too, so, um, so yeah, I got that going. So that’s fun, .
Yeah. So
One day you’ll look back and you’ll have like 80 funnels and you’ll be, remember when I only heard one
, right? Actually when I was able to take, um, my Jeep one and I completely duplicated it for a team member. So I’m like, oh, here’s a little side hustle I can do over here too. Rick could just duplicate funnels and make ’em for people. Like, yeah. Yess that amazing. Yep. Amazing.
Well, Laurie, like thank you so much for your time. For those who are listening, I mean, I think it was just packed full of a ton of value. Thank you for sharing like, some of your life experiences, your experiences before, your experiences that you’re having right now, you know, in our program. We love you, we love coaching you every single week, and thank you for taking the time to be here with us. So,
Absolutely. Yeah, it was my honor to come in here. So thanks for inviting me and I will thank you guys on the next coaching calls or traffic calls or tech calls or , . I love it. All, all the things.
Absolutely. So if, for those who are watching, those who are listening, depending on where you are as you’re hearing or listening to this right now, um, there’s gonna be a link somewhere below, above, maybe to the side of whatever you’re at, wherever you’re watching from, right? There’s gonna be a link, might even be in the comments. Grab that link so that you can find out how you can get more help, right? As you’re hearing about some of the help, some of the tech pieces, some of the things that we’ve put in place with Lori, and you’re like, man, I need that. There’s gonna be a link. Click it, go grab it. You won’t be disappointed. And we’ll see you on the next episode.
All right. Bye.
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