July 12

Our Top 3 Content Hacks To Attract More People In Less Time

Cari Higham

Table of Contents

Creating meaningful, authentic, and value-driven content is an area that has caused countless hours of frustration, particularly for those new to network marketing.

However, the creation of content doesn't need to be confusing and stressful.

With the right techniques, you can turn this task into a manageable process.

Here are three key content hacks that will help you attract more people in less time.


Hack #1: Batch Your Content

The first hack is batching your content ahead of time.

Life can get busy as a parent and as an entrepreneur.

When you are in network marketing, you're in conversations. Your plate is always full, and it's not always possible, logical, or effective for us to have “going live” on our calendar.

Or to write a post on a specific day.

So how do we get more done in less time with batching?

Learn to batch your content when you’re doing a video or when you’re creating posts, when you’re in that creative space.

Sometimes you may only have an hour or two-hour window that you’re able to create content.

So, what you can do is batch your content weeks ahead of time.

And the great thing is you can use platforms like StreamYard to schedule your lives and posts ahead of time, or Meta Business Suite.

Your audience won’t know that it's been shot ahead of time, as long as you don’t mention any specific dates.

So, if you’re all dressed up and shooting a video, shoot two or three more while you're at it so that you have more content that can go out later if you're in a copywriting mood and you're like busting out posts.

Hack #2: Repurpose Your Content

After you've batched your content ahead of time, repurposing that content is something that is going to save you so much time.

An example would be a training video you may have recorded.

It might be 10 to 15 minutes long and full of value.

Once recorded, you can go and put it in a website like temi.com or rev.com.

When you do this, what it will do is take your video and create a transcript.

You can take bits and pieces and use them as posts, such as a long story post alongside a selfie.

So, when you're repurposing that content, you can take a video and you can have that one piece of content distributed throughout multiple platforms.

You can use it for stories, or you can take little pieces and use them as reels or YouTube shorts.

And if you're not a tech person, one of the best things you can do is hire a VA. Hire someone that is really good at the stuff that you're not good at.

And when you hire the right person, they'll know exactly what to do.

Hack #3: Reuse Your Content

So first we batch, then we repurpose. And now the third hack is to reuse content over and over again.

Have you ever sat there and had brain fog, not knowing what to talk about?

You feel like you've discussed everything possible about your business, and you’re at a loss for what to do next.

You don't know if you’re going to do a video.

You don't know if you’re going to do a post.

There was a study done on social media content specifically and how much our brains retain because we have content that is thrown at us day in, day out.

It's been proven that after just a few weeks, people don't remember what you've posted.

Who are the influencers that you follow?

Do you remember what that person posted 90 days ago?

You might remember bits and pieces of things that people have posted, right? Maybe it's a certain story that they told or a certain picture that they use, but you don't remember all the content, right?

Most people do not remember what you've posted three weeks ago, four weeks ago, five weeks ago.

And so, what we like to teach here at Beach Boss Influencers is to come up with 90 days of content.

We actually have a 90 Day Vault full of done for you content!

When you have content that's done for you, you can then reuse this every 90 days. Think about how much time, effort and energy that's going to save you!

We love to use memories on Facebook as it pops up because it reminds us of content that we've used.

We take it and change it up a little bit. Maybe change the headline or the attention grabber, or maybe post it with a different picture.

People won't remember that it's the same thing that was posted previously because they have content thrown at them all the time.

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Video Transcript

Disclaimer: Transcripts were generated automatically and may contain inaccuracies and errors.

Hey there, what’s going on Carrie? Hi, I’m here. Welcome to today’s episode. I am super pumped to dive in to my three favorite content hacks to help you attract more people in less time. Now, for meeting for the first time. My name’s Carrie. Hi Am I am one of the beach boss influencers. We like to call ourselves the beaches. And what we do at Beach Boss Influencers is we help network marketers like you make more money in less time using social media and automation. And when it comes to social media, one of the biggest things that holds a lot of network marketers back is content creation. Now, when it comes to creating content and having content that is appealing, attractive, sets you up as an authority is value-based, it can be very overwhelming. And so what I wanna do is not necessarily dive into the little minor things of content, but instead I wanna give you a bird’s eye view to my process that I use when it comes to cre, uh, to shooting content as well as the other beaches.
What we’ve used to grow the Beach Boss influencers business to grow the Beach Boss Influencers brand, it’s what we teach our students to do, is they’re growing their network marketing businesses. It’s how we grew, you know, teams of thousands using content and using social media. And so when it comes to, uh, content creation, the thing that you wanna keep in mind first is that content creation is done in the pockets of your time. So you can hear my dog, everybody say hello, lady . So when it comes to creating your content, there’s three main things that I wanna cover. The very first hack, the first tip that I have for you on this training is first batching your content ahead of time. So I don’t know about you, I’m a busy mom. Like today alone, we had dance, we have basketball, we have dentist appointments.

It’s crazy. Plus, you know, trying to run a business. When you are in network marketing, you’re in conversations. So you have it, your plate is always full, and it’s not always possible or I guess logical or effective for us to like, have going live on our calendar. Or today I’m gonna write, you know, I’m gonna write a post this day. It isn’t always effective. So how do we get more done in less time batching? That is the one of the biggest tips that I can give you right now. So when it comes to batching your content, what that means is I like to, as an example, when I’m doing video or when I’m creating posts, when I’m in that space, right? Like I have my hair done, I’ve got my makeup on, like, I, I wanna make sure that like I get as much pumped out as possible. Sometimes I only have like an hour or two hour window that I’m able to create content. And so if I, if it comes to like videos, I wanna get all those things done right now so that I don’t have to worry about doing it later, right? I don’t wanna have to worry about shooting alive on Monday and then doing another video on Wednesday and then doing another video on Tuesday. Plus I have my rails, plus I have no, I like to get it all done at once. And so what I’ll do is I’ll actually batch my content weeks ahead of time. And the great thing is when you use platforms like Streamy Yard to schedule your posts ahead of time, uh, if you’re like using Facebook, Facebook has a really great scheduler. There’s other like third party scheduling apps that you can use when you use these apps.

People don’t know that it’s been shot ahead of time. The key to doing this and to batching ahead of time is to make sure that you don’t like, say any specific dates. You don’t say any specific times, you keep it all generic. So that one, you can use it later and not have to worry about saying, oh, like happy 4th of July and it’s Christmas time, right? , and you can reuse content later. And that’s gonna be a tip that I give you here in a little bit. So batching ahead of time videos, if you’re dolled up and you’re shooting a video, shoot two or three more while you’re at it so that you have more content that can go out later if you’re in like a copywriting mood and you’re like busting out posts left and right. This is what I loved to do because I liked, I like to, uh, post at least like one time a day on all the different social media platforms.

And so when I’m in writing mode, I stay in writing mode. And a lot of my posts that I’ve written, they’ve been written for ago and people don’t know. So that’s tip number one batch ahead of time. I’ll tell you right now, when you’re a busy person and you don’t have a ton of time every single day, it’s the one way that you’re gonna be able to stay consistent. The second tip that I wanna give you, so after we’ve batched our content ahead of time, repurposing content is something that is going to save you again, so much time. So an example would be like a training like this that I’m doing. It’s gonna be a little longer, right? It might be 10 to 15 minutes long depending on how long I ramble for the next little bit in providing value. It just depends on when I’m done, but however long that video is, what you can do is you can take that video and you can go and you can put it in like temi.com, that’s t e m i.com or rev.com, r e v.com.

And when you do this, what it will do is it will take your video and it will create a transcript. You can then take that transcript and you can take bits and pieces. You can use them as posts, right? Maybe you have a long story post that you’re do one day you can take that the, uh, transcript that you got off Temi, and you can then use that as a post. You can then take little, maybe you had like quotes, something that you said in, you know, maybe I have something that I say here in this video. We’ll take a little snippet of what I said and we’ll put it, you know, with a selfie of mine as if it’s going to be be used, right? Or it’s something that you can use. And so when you are repurposing content, I apologize for the dog barking in the background, what can I say?

I work from home, right? Lady, stop it. So when you’re repurposing that content, literally you can take a video and you can have that one piece of content distributed throughout multiple platforms, multiple avenues on how you’re creating that content. You can use it for stories, you can take little pieces and use them as, uh, you know, short reels. You can use ’em as tos, you can use ’em as YouTube shorts. However you wanna repurpose it, you can. And if you’re not a techie person, it’s it like you can, you have two choices. If you’re not a techie person and you don’t know how to like, take little, you know, like, uh, how to edit videos, maybe it’s gonna take you hours and hours to edit a video. One of the best things that I ever did, this is another hint tip that I’m gonna give you, is to hire a va, hire someone that is really good at the stuff that you’re not good at, so that you can take that techie stuff and hand it to them and say, Hey, I need this.

You know, I need this Put into rev.com and then after we put it into rev.com, we need to come up with, you know, we need to make a couple different reels and a couple different tos and a couple different things out of this. And when you hire the right person, they’ll know exactly what to do. And so that’s tip number two. So first we batch, then we repurpose. And my per one of my personal favorite content hacks that I have used that beach bosses use, that our students are using is to reuse content over and over again. I don’t know, I’m, I’m curious, have you ever like sat there and just like had brain fog not knowing what to talk about? You feel like you’ve talked about everything that you could possibly talk about inside your business and you’re like, I don’t know, like, I don’t know what to do, right?

Like, I don’t know what to talk about. I don’t know if I’m gonna do a video. I don’t know if I’m gonna do a post. I don’t know what I’m gonna do. The great thing about content, it’s actually been proven. And then there was a study that was done, I believe it was by Harvard, don’t quote me on that, I believe it was Harvard. But they did a study on social media content specifically and how often our, and how much our brains retain because we have content that is thrown at us day in, day out, right? Like you see thousands of pieces of content in a day. It’s been proven that after just a few weeks, people don’t remember what you’ve posted. And I want you to think about like, who is the influencers that you follow? Who are the people that you’re like, I see everything that comes through from this person every single day.

Do you remember what that person posted 90 days ago? You might remember bits and pieces of things that people have posted, right? Maybe it’s a certain story that they told or a certain picture that they use, but you don’t remember all the content, right? No, I, very few people, there might be like one in a million, maybe if someone has a photographic memory, I don’t know. But most people do not remember what you’ve posted three weeks ago, four weeks ago, five weeks ago, right? And so what I like to teach and what we teach here at Beach Buss Influencers is to come up with 90 days of content. We actually, I’m gonna have, um, a link that’s posted here. We actually have a 90 day vault full of done for you content that we do for people. That’s just a little, uh, trick of the trade, I guess.

When you can have content that’s done for you that you can then reuse every 90 days, think about how much time and effort and energy that’s going to save you. But back to reusing content, people don’t remember what you posted. So if you can come up with 90 days worth of content, you can then start to reuse it every 90 days. So you take back, go and take a look. What did you post 90 days ago, 120 days ago? I love to use like my memories and Facebook as it pops up, um, because that’s reminded me of content that I’ve used. And I’ll take it and I’ll change it up a little bit. Maybe I’ll change like the headline or the attention grabber, or maybe I’m posting it with a different picture, but people don’t remember that it’s the same thing that you posted because they have content that’s thrown at them all the time.

So don’t think that you have to continue to come up with the same content over and over and over and over again because you really don’t. I’ve been teaching like, probably the same 10 to 15 things over and over again. Just saying a little, saying it a little differently, adding different stories, using different pictures to make it seem like it’s new, to refresh it, to give it that new burst, right? Based on what’s going on on social media right now, what’s going on in my life right now. But it’s this, nonetheless, it’s the same content. So I hope you got value from today’s episode. If you did, let me know by commenting wherever you’re watching this video at. And if you want to get your hands on our 90 day vault so that you can have all of your content done for you, uh, we’re gonna drop a link so that you can definitely get your hand on that. If you got value, let me know. There’s that link is gonna be, depending on where you’re watching it, it’s gonna be above, below to the side. Wherever it is, grab it. You won’t be disappointed and we’ll see you on the next episode.


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Cari Higham

About the author

Cari Higham is a sought-after Speaker, Trainer, and #1 Best Selling Author that calls Utah home with her husband, Whit, and their three children.

Jumping into network marketing in 2013, she quickly learned that there’s a lot more to entrepreneurship than just talking to your friends and family and hoping your business will grow.

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