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When you look at a compensation plan showing how much you could potentially earn once you have a large team of recruits below you, you can feel one of two things:
- You’re either inspired to hit the ground running.
- Or you’re frustrated by the obstacles standing in your way.
If you’re already feeling pumped about recruiting, then close this article and get to it!

But for those of you who are coming up against obstacles in network marketing recruiting, stick around. We’re here to help.
6 Common Recruiting Obstacles for Network Marketers
You’ll face obstacles while recruiting, whether you’ve been at it for three years or for three weeks.
Don’t feel like something is wrong if it isn’t working quickly or right away.
Here are six common obstacles that network marketers face while they are recruiting and what you can do to overcome them if you are in the same boat:
1. Wishy-Washy Prospects
After you’ve spent a lot of time working with a prospective recruit, showing them the ropes and hyping everything up, it’s frustrating when they don’t jump right on board with you.
If they finally do commit, it feels like it was all worth it.
But if they don’t? It can feel like you spent all that time for nothing.
It wasn’t nothing.
Maybe you were sowing seeds for them to come back to you later.
Maybe they will remain a loyal customer after all the effort you put into them.
Maybe all the time you spent was helping you hone your recruiting skills and will be helpful the next time you get someone who is on the fence about joining.
2. Unsure of Where to Start
Being new to network marketing can be an obstacle in itself.
How do you know where to begin?
What should your next steps be?
Your upline will give you some guidance, but not all uplines are created equal.
Your first steps should include setting goals and laying out a plan to achieve them.
A great starting point might be to set up social media accounts where you can reach your perfect prospect who wants to buy your product or join your team. Your goal might be to get that squared away.
If you know that you will need some extra guidance along the way, you might set a goal to research network marketing courses.
To kick off your recruiting, you could begin writing some network marketing invitation messages or scripts.
Whatever you decide you want to achieve, devise a plan to get you there. Then, get to work.
3. Nerves
For all the introverts reading this, you know how hard it can be to step out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there. But you can do this.
Remember why you joined.
Remember why you stick with it.
Remember why you love it.
When you remember your whys, sharing those with others will feel more natural and authentic.
4. Fear of Rejection
Rejection didn’t feel good when our 7th-grade crush went unrequited, and it doesn’t feel good today, either.
Rejection can hurt, especially when you spend a lot of time with a prospect and they seem promising.
As hard as it is, try to remove yourself from the equation.
They aren’t rejecting you as a person. They are just not in a place to be able to join your team right now.
You’re going to face some rejection in this business. It’s nearly inevitable.
But you can walk away from each “no,” knowing you won’t let that stop you.
5. Burnout
Network marketing isn’t for the faint of heart.
It isn’t always a walk in the park.
It’s natural to reach a point where you find it challenging to stay motivated to continue recruiting.
Take a minute to ponder on it. Whether you’ve put self-care on the back burner or set unrealistic expectations and goals for yourself, figure out why you are having a hard time right now.
Some inner reflection can help you readjust any priorities that are out of whack.
6. Room to Grow
Maybe the obstacle you’re facing in recruiting is that you don’t know what you’re doing.
Sales skills aren’t exactly something people are just born innately knowing.
You might need to brush up on your approach. You could do this by:
- Finding a network marketing coach
- Reaching out to your upline for resources
- Taking a network marketing course
The more you learn, the better you’ll become.
Whatever obstacles you are struggling with can be overcome.
You can learn from mistakes, gain strength from hardships, and put any worries aside to become a great recruiter in your network marketing career.
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