June 15

The # 1 Tool To Get Unstuck For Network Marketers

Cari Higham

Do you feel stuck in your business? 

Like you are doing all the work and taking action but nothing is working? 

When I used to feel that way I would spiral down so fast that it was hard to see anything positive about my business.

So how do we change our thinking?

The fastest way is by putting an evaluation process in place that keeps us thinking positively about our business and focused on the data about the things that are actually happening and not what we feel is happening. 

When I changed my way of thinking and adopted an evaluation process, my business and I took off. It grew so much faster than before and I am going to show you what that evaluation process looks like so your business can do the same. 

So evaluation is really what it comes down to. It's a three step process that I know so many 7-figure earners use. 

It's a tool that really helps them stay focused and helps them sell, celebrate their small wins, and helps them get to the point that they want to be at. 


As you are starting to take action and grow your business, there are things that are going to happen. 

There are going to be things that happen that you didn't expect.

Some obstacles and some bumps in the road.

The fastest way to get through a bump in the road is to have a process designed to help you get through it. This process is actually a process of thinking.

A lot of people think "oh I just need to take more action" or "I need to hustle my face off". But what I want to show you is a different way to approach it. 

Because if you don't have a process in place, you could end up just spinning your wheels.

You are going to end up working harder instead of smarter. 


So what is the first step after you have taken action and you are feeling stuck, or defeated. 

You need to ask yourself what are three things that are working?

What are three major things that are working for me in my business?

The reason we do this is because we want a positive head space and mindset.

You are going to identify what those things are, and sometimes it can be really hard when you have been in a negative headspace for a while. 

We want to be able to see it with our eyes after we have identified those three things, even if they are small wins. They are still wins and we want to celebrate them. 


The next thing we do is identify two major things that didn't work.

Now we don't want to make a laundry list of things because again we don't want to go into negative thinking. 

So after you come up with the two major things that didn't work, we pick one of them to change or do differently next time.

Now maybe the thing you decided to change didn't work, that's okay. Go to the second major thing and change that one.


When evaluating your business ask yourself: what are three things that worked, what are two things that didn't work, and change or do one thing differently. 

This is an evaluation process that will help you stay on the straight and narrow to that desired result you want. 

We know there are going to be things that we need to be doing every single day in order to hit our desired result, but if we aren't evaluating them then we are just throwing spaghetti at a wall.

And all of a sudden you are off the path and in a roller coaster of emotions. 

This evaluation process will help us maneuver our way and help us stay as close to the path as possible to that desired result.

If you want to get our proven framework for growing a 6-figure team inside the network marketing space, to help you make more money in less time, leveraging systems and processes on social media then you are going to want to join me and my fellow Beach Boss Influencers in our Virtual Next Level Workshop. 

Click the link below to save your seat now!

Video Transcript

Disclaimer: Transcripts were generated automatically and may contain inaccuracies and errors.

Hey there. What’s going on, Carrie. Hi am here. And in this video, we’re gonna be talking about my number one tool that I use to get unstuck. It also helps avoid overwhelm, stay out of comparitis and has actually helped grow a multiple seven figure business over the last few years. So if we’re meeting for the first time, my name’s Carrie Hyam and I am one of the beaches. We’re the beach boss influencers. And what we do is we help network marketers. Like you make AHI ton more money in less time, leveraging systems and processes, um, on social media and automation. So if you’re joining me, say hello, join in on the conversation. We’ll come back in and get to you some of your comments later. But I wanted to quickly, before I dive into this, let you know that this is your last chance to register for the next level workshop that is taking place the 16th through the 18th.

Um, there’s gonna be a link. It might be in the comments. It could be in the description, head on, over, click on it, join us. Um, because we’re going to be diving into our proven framework for growing a six-figure team inside the network marketing space. It is going to be an intensive three days and we can’t wait to have you join us. So let’s talk a little bit about this. It’s kind of a seven figure skillset almost, um, that I know that a majority pretty much every single top earner that I know has used, whether they’re able to name and label, it is one thing. Um, most of them do it. It’s kind of like unconsciously competent. Is that what it’s called when like, you know how to do something, but you don’t know how to name and label or teach somebody else. So this process is actually something that I’ve learned.

And I realized that as I was growing my team, I was doing it before I even learned what it was. And so this is a seven figure evaluation process. And what I’ve found is this is my number one tool. It’s my number. One thing that has helped me get unstuck. It’s my number one thing that helps me avoid overwhelm. It’s my number one thing that helps me, um, you know, avoid comparitis it’s my number one skillset that has helped me grow, um, the business that we have, right? That’s it’s been my, my crutch, I guess you could say in helping me grow and helping beach boss, uh, get to the point that we’re at and also helping my team and I grow cool. All right, let me finish. Nope. I need you to take it and I need you to go I’m on a video he’s downstairs.

I haven’t seen him all day and then I start a video and here he comes. So evaluation is really what it is, what it comes down to is it’s a three step process that I know that I know so many, seven figure earners use, and it’s the tool that really helps them stay focused and helps them sell, celebrate their small wins to help them get to the point that they wanna to get to that point that they wanna be at. So the first step is, as you are taking, as you’re taking action, and as you’re starting to grow your business, things are going to happen. Things aren’t Gonna work, things are gonna break. Um, you know, you’re gonna have drama. There’s gonna be things that happen that you didn’t expect. We’ll call ’em bumps in the roads. Let’s call ’em obstacles.

The quickest way to get through that obstacle. The quickest way to get through a bump in the road is to have a process designed to help you get through it. And this process is actually a process of thinking. And so it’s kind of a different way to approach, right? A lot of times people think, oh, I just need to take more action. Or, oh, I just need to hustle my face off or, oh, I just need to keep doing what I’m doing, right? But the problem is is if you don’t have a process of thinking to help you get through it, you could end up doing like you could end up spinning your wheels.

You’re gonna end up taking action that didn’t need to be taken, right? You’re gonna end up working harder instead of working smarter. And we wanna work smarter. We wanna get to our goals in the fastest time possible. And if we have an evaluation process and evaluation way of thinking, that’s, what’s gonna help us get there. And so what the first step is after you’ve taken action, after you’ve done something, maybe you’re feeling stuck. Maybe you’re feeling frustrated, maybe you’re feeling defeated. You need to ask yourself what are three things that are working? And we do this in a 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1 process, okay. We ask ourself, what are three things that are working three major things that are working for me in my business. The reason that we do this is because one, we wanna be in a positive head space, our mindset. Like if you start the second, you start thinking negatively about something.

Wouldn’t you agree? Let me know. If you agree in the comments, once you start thinking negatively, it kind of spirals from there, right? And it’s a spiral down into this dredge of negative thinking that is not effective and is not gonna help you make DEC effective decisions for your business. So instead we start out with what are three major things that are working for me in my business, or what are three major things that are working for me right now. You’re gonna identify what those three things are. And sometimes it can be really hard if you’re in a position where you’ve been thinking negatively for a while, you might feel like nothing is working in your business. I’ll give you a hint that there is always at least one thing that is working in your business. Because if you are working, if you are taking action, even if it’s not the right actions, but you’re taking action, maybe it’s not as consistent as it needs to be, but you’re still taking action.

You are taking action. And that is something that is working. And we need to, we have to challenge our brains. We have to force our brains to think of three things that are working inside our business. And it’s important that you come up with at least three, because most people are trained to continue to see the negative and see the things that aren’t working. And those are the things that are gonna continue to keep us stuck. So instead, let’s think about the things that are working. You have to come up with three of them after you come up with three. So let’s do an example. And maybe that example is a Facebook live. So we’ve done our Facebook live and we get done. And most people they’re like, oh, that Sucked.

I didn’t have anybody take me up on my call to action. Maybe you didn’t even have a call to action, right? But the thing is, is you did a Facebook live. And we can say that worked. Another thing that we can say that, that worked, maybe the content that you shared was very valuable. Another thing that we can say that worked was maybe you had viewers, right? Like, you know, the little eyeball will pop up when you have viewers on with you live. So maybe you had people that joined you live. We can say that those things are things that worked. And how do we know if they’re valuable? You have to actually be able to prove it. It can’t just, we can’t do things based off of feeling. We wanna do things off of data. We wanna be able to show, actually show someone and say, yes, this worked and I can show you it worked because of this.

So how would we know if the content that we shared was valuable, maybe someone commented value, right? Like I’m finding value from this training. If you had someone comment value, then you know that the training that you, that you gave or that Facebook live, that you did was valuable to at least one person. So you can actually show and tell, right. We wanna be able to see it with our eyes after we’ve identified three things that are working there’s even if there’s small wins, there’s still wins. And we celebrate them. The next thing that we do is we identify what are the two major things that didn’t work. Chances are, there are two things that didn’t work, right? And we’re not gonna make a laundry list of things. Because again, we don’t wanna go down into negative thinking instead, we’re gonna come up with the two major things that didn’t work so that we can then pick one to change or do differently next time.

And that’s the one thing, what’s one thing that I might change or do differently. So what are three things that worked? What are the two major things that didn’t work on this Facebook live? Maybe it was maybe you didn’t have, maybe your internet went out, right? I don’t know. Uh, maybe another thing is you didn’t have anybody take you up or buy, maybe nobody bought your thing or nobody, uh, commented your, your call to action down below. Maybe nobody, maybe you didn’t give a call to action. Right? And so nobody you’re, you’re sitting here and you’re complaining that you’re not getting customers, but you’re not telling people what they need to do in order to become a customer. Right. So it there’s, there can be a lot of things we’re gonna pick the two major things that didn’t work. And then of the two things that didn’t work, we’re gonna ask what is one thing that I’m gonna change or do differently on my next live that will help me get closer to my desired result. When we do our next live, we then evaluate again, did the thing that I changed work, if it did great. What is one other thing that didn’t work that we might change or do differently? Maybe the thing that we changed didn’t work again at that point. It’s okay. Let’s go to that second major thing that didn’t work. And let’s change that from the last life. See this evaluation process and this evaluation way of thinking.

It keeps you on the straight and narrow to that desired result that you have. Here’s where you’re at. Here’s where you wanna be. We know that there’s things that we need to be doing every single day in order to hit our desired result. But if we aren’t evaluating and you know, we’re just throwing spaghetti at a wall and we’re taking action here and we’re taking action there. All of a sudden we’re veering off of that straight narrow path. And we end up doing this and it ends up being a roller coaster of emotions. A lot of people end up quitting before they ever get any monetary result. Right? So how do we change our thinking? This is the quickest way is by putting an evaluation process in place that keeps us P uh, thinking positively about our business. It keeps us focused on the data about the things that are actually happening instead of what we feel is happening.

It’s what is actually happening. And then it gives us a process to be able to maneuver our way and stay as close on that line that we have to the desired result. We get there in the shortest time possible. And I know that this works, I know, I know hundreds of, you know, six and seven figure earners that are using this process in their businesses right now. I know people that they’ve named and labeled it something different, right? They don’t call it an evaluation process. They call it something else. But the 3, 2, 1 is used by so many people. And when I started changing my thinking and thinking this way, I, my business took off and it, it, it grew so much faster than it did before. You know, when I didn’t have a process and I wasn’t able to actually name and label that process. So if you got re if you got value from this Facebook live, you are definitely gonna wanna join us at the next level workshop.

This is your last chance to register. Um, I believe, uh, we actually are going, uh, live with the workshop, I guess, whatever you wanna say. Um, I don’t know if you would call it. We’re not necessarily going live. We’re going, we’re starting, right? Like, we’re jump starting the day to, uh, tomorrow, right? Today’s the 15th. It’s the 16th. So Thursday, the 16th through the 18th, we start at 11:00 AM Eastern time and we go till about 5:00 PM Eastern time, every single day. You’re gonna wanna make sure that you click the link. It’s either in the description or it’s in the comments below, click the link, head on over and register. You’re definitely not gonna wanna miss it. We can’t wait to see you there. And we’re gonna be diving into this framework that the beach boss influencers have used to grow a multiple seven figure business over the last few years. It’s what we’ve used, you know, inside. It’s our, basically what we’re gonna be doing is uncovering the layers of our framework to growing a six figure team in the network marketing space. So hurry, register. This is your last chance. Don’t miss it. And we will see you there.


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Cari Higham

About the author

Cari Higham is a sought-after Speaker, Trainer, and #1 Best Selling Author that calls Utah home with her husband, Whit, and their three children.

Jumping into network marketing in 2013, she quickly learned that there’s a lot more to entrepreneurship than just talking to your friends and family and hoping your business will grow.

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